24 - '𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵' 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯

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The night was heavy, pressing down on me with a suffocating weight. I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, tracing the cracks that seemed to mirror the fractures in my soul. The silence was oppressive, filling the room with an unbearable emptiness.

Each breath was a struggle, every movement a reminder of the agony that consumed me. My body was a map of pain, each bruise and cut a testament to my defeat.

I had thought I could escape, that I could find a way out. But now, I knew the truth. There was no escape.
Only endless suffering.

Tears slipped down my cheeks, hot and silent. I wiped them away, angry at my own weakness. I had tried to be strong, to fight back, but every effort had been ended with failure. The darkness within me was too powerful, a relentless force that dragged me deeper into the abyss.

Hope felt like a distant memory, something that had once existed but was now out of reach. I had no strength left to fight, no will to continue. A hollow emptiness consumed me, a void that seemed impossible to fill.

As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, I realized that I had spent another night, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling.

I was starting to feel numb.
It wasn't something I was used to. I liked feeling things, even if it was pain. But now, the only thing I could feel was - nothing.

I dragged myself out of the bed and got ready. Everything was gonna get messed up at some point, and I wouldn't be surprised.

I went downstairs, my eyes catching sight of Minho and Thomas sitting down at the table and Newt who was probably preparing coffee.

"Good morning!" Newt called out, still not facing me.

I swear he has eyes on his back too.

"Yeah. Morning." I sat down beside Minho and rested my chin on my palm.

Newt put down a mug filled with coffee for me. "It's hot."

"No shit," I mumbled as I stared down at the table.

"What's up with you?"

"Not enough sleep."

Well. I shouldn't have said that.

"Maybe we should see a doctor about that. You've been having sleeping problems for a while now."

We did see a doctor six months ago. She gave me a prescription for medication and warned me exactly three times to not take more than one pill.

I guess she should've warned me more than three times.

"I was just not tired, Newt. It's no big deal." Sure, I wasn't afraid to close my eyes at all.

Newt clenched his jaw but unclenched it after a second.
"Do you have a day off today?"

"No. I was just about to head out." I took a sip of coffee.

It was sweet. He definitely did that on purpose.

"Newt! You know I drink my coffee without sugar!" I whined and looked at him.

"Well that's not healthy."

"Do you know why you feel sleepy after drinking coffee? Because it's with sugar." That's the only truth I said today.

"That doesn't prove that it's healthy. I heard it can cause heart problems."

"Who lied to you?"

"Can you stop arguing about coffee?" It was the first time Minho had spoken up today. His voice was raspy.

I still drank my coffee. I couldn't stop thinking about the amount of sugar it had, but if I didn't want to faint, I had to give my body something.

If I passed out, then I wouldn't be able to get myself out of visits in the hospital, and that wouldn't end well.

I'm assuming it has no more than two teaspoons of sugar.

Black Coffee without sugar has two calories.

One teaspoon of sugar has slightly more than sixteen calories which means that sixteen times two and plus two -
I'm on thirty-four calories.

It's not a lot, but I'll need to restrict some food to get no more than one hundred calories.

"You want me to take you to the cafe?" Minho offered as he grabbed the keys.

I shook my head. "No. I'll walk."

I saw Newt tensing up from the corner of my eye.

What's up with him? Can't I just walk in peace?

"He'll take you."

"I said-"

"End of the conversation, Mila." He cut me off.

Okay, harsh.

"Fine." I got up from my chair aggressively and followed Minho.

"If you like walking so much, you could come with me for a run sometimes."

That is exactly what I need.

"When do you run?"

"In the mornings. But I could do evenings too, since you have a job."


"Sure you'll be able to keep up?"

"I will. Will you?" He let out a laugh.

I knew damn well I wouldn't be able to keep up and he would have to slow down for me. We did run together years ago and it was no fun for him.

I could use some running. It would take my mind off of things and help me to drop some extra pounds.

Seems like a perfect plan to me.

Please let me know your opinions about my story, it is very important to me. Is there anything you'd like to change? Or anything you'd like me to pay a little more attention to?

Also, none of Mila's thoughts are healthy and I hope it wasn't triggering, but if it was, you all know my TikTok username and I'm here for all of you<3

Take care loves!!

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