First Day

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Hoka strapped on her hero outfit, her wings wrapped around her shoulders and top half like a vest. She sighed, leaving her apartment to begin the walk to UA's building.

"Asshole didn't even give me a list of students...." She mumbled.

As she walked, she heard a few civilians yelp. She turned her head, only to see a streak of crimson light fly past her.

"Hey! Stop! Thief!" A store owner yelled.

Hoka grinned, unfurling her wings. She shot into the air after the villain, the only thing she could see being a crimson glow.

"This guy's fast!" She commented, speeding up, her wings carrying her forward. She flapped her wings, saying "I've got you now!"

Smoke flushed from her wings, wrapping around the villain, making them drop from the sky and onto the street below. Hoka chuckled, landing on the ground, crossing her arms.

"That's far enough, you-"

She paused, her eyes widening slightly as she stared down at the "villain", which turned out to be a damn teenager. The girl looked up at Hoka with a hint of fear, appearing surprised to have actually been caught by someone.

"The hell? Ugh, I'm not getting paid enough for this...." Hoka mumbled, eyes scanning the teen.

Her hair was an inky red color, nearly black from how it looked. Her eyes were a silvery color, and she appearing too shocked to actually try and run again. Hoka rolled her eyes, grabbing the teen, appearing to snap her out of her stupor.

"H- hey! Let me go!" The teen yelped.

"Yeah, no. Not until you return what you've stolen." Hoka retorted.

An alarm chimed on her phone, Hoka dropping the teenager.

"Do the right thing, kid. I've got places to be."

"Yeah?! Well so do I!"


Hoka entered class 1A, stretching. She noted the surprised look on some of the students faces, grinning.

"Hello, class 1A!" She said, chuckling. "Now then, for those wondering why Dad- er, why Aizawa isn't here, it's because he's been ordered to take a leave. As such, I'll be covering for him until he returns."

With that, she took out a paper, beginning to take attendance.

"Now then, first up is attendance-"

The door to the classroom swung open, Hoka pausing at the sight of the student who stumbled in.

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa! I know I'm late, but-"

The girl froze, a familiar pair of crimson eyes meeting Hoka's. There, standing in front of the hero, was the same girl from that morning. Hoka? Hoka fucking grinned.

"You must be one of my students." Hoka said, crossing her arms. "What's your name, kid?"

"A- Akemi." The girl stuttered, looking horrified. "Akemi Igarashi."

"Take a seat, Igarashi."

As the girl sat down, Hoka resisted the urge to cackle. Call her evil, but she was thrilled to get to torment this girl in the future.

"Introductions.... My name is Hoka Morikaga, also known as number thirteen hero: Nicotick. I'll be your substitute for a while until Aizawa returns from his leave. So, prepare to spend the next few months with me, rookies!"

Class proceeded as Hoka planned: quiet and calm. Or, well, up until it ended, and she noticed her crimson eyed student hanging back.

"Is there a reason your hesitating, Igarashi?" Hoka questioned.

The girl walked over, gripping her sleeves. She then bowed, the action surprising Hoka.

"P- please don't expel me from UA!"

Hoka snorted, saying "What the hell are you on about?"

"I uh.... I've read UA's student handbook front to back, and-"

"You actually read that shit?"

Akemi looked up at her, confused. Hoka crossed her arms, chuckling.

"Kid, I'm not Aizawa. I'm not going to expel you for some earlier bullshit.... Honestly, it's not my business why you did what you did. I'm not exactly one to judge." Hoka said, looking down at the teen.

"Mr. Aizawa would've-"

"Let me guess," Hoka cut her off. "He'd say how it's illogical to keep you around and expel you on the spot?"

".... Yes...." Akemi said, pausing. "How do you know that?"

"Kid, I was one of his students." Hoka told her. "I lasted three years with that bastard, so believe me when I say I know how harsh he can be."

Akemi straightened herself, clearing her throat in embarrassment.

"I see.... I'll uh...."

"Get to your next class, Igarashi."

The student quickly ran off, Hoka sighing. Was she this nervous during her first year?

*Later on....*

"How was your first day?" Shouta asked from Hoka's phone, the girl having her on speaker while she changed into something more comfortable.

"It was.... Interesting." Hoka responded, changing into a simple t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Tomorrow we'll be studying their quirks so I can see what they need to work on."

"And no issues?"

Hoka sighed, sitting on her couch, her wings stretching, a few black moth scales fluttering off of them.

"Nope.... Just a lot of paperwork." Hoka responded. "Did we look that nervous our first year too?"

Shouta chuckled, saying "Yeah. You kids were a handful.... Sometimes I thought you'd quit."

Hoka snorted, saying "And miss out on all the free cigarette money you gave me? No way!" She then paused, asking "Real quick, are there any students I should be worried about?"

Shouta was silent for a moment, before saying "Yeah.... Two of them, actually. Igarashi and Hikima. Igarashi was late the first day and was nearly expelled, and has a record of getting into fights. She also barely made it through the entrance exam. Hikima is overly confident, and he annoys me."

Hoka tensed. Yeah, no, she couldn't let him know what happened earlier.

"I've spoken with Igarashi, but not Hikima. Is he a bad kid or something?" Hoka questioned.

"No. He's just cocky, smug, and overconfident in all his abilities; most likely due to his quirk. It's called Luck."

Hoka snickered, saying "Being lucky isn't really a power, is it?"

"It is," Shouta responded. "And he completely abuses his quirk. Honestly, the kid needs to get humbled...."

Hoka then smirked.

"Why don't you leave that to me."

High On Heroism: Second Smoke (BNHA/MHA OC)Where stories live. Discover now