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"Dazai." a man spoke, walking into a shipping container where a frail boy sat in a comforter on the floor. His arms were crossed, and he glared menacingly at the man.

"Mori." he spat back. Mori smiled, now only a couple feet away from the boy.

"Oh, Dazai, how your actions wound me." he faked. "That's no way to behave with your father."

"You are not my father." Dazai answered. "And I am not going to some puny school for hero brats." Mori twirled a blade between his fingers, a grin plastered on his face. He placed an ironed out uniform beside the boy's bed.

"For the mission, I am your father. And you will be attending U.A. High." Mori responded. Dazai rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. But I am not wearing that abomination of a uniform. Those colors are terrible, they need a new designer." he huffed.

"Fine, but wear the shirt and tie. You can wear your usual black slacks and blazer. For now." he settled, pleased with the boy at least accepting the school.

"Why am I even going to U.A.?" he asked.

"For a mission." Mori answered vaguely.

"No shit. What's the objective?" he persisted.

"That's not important now. Your job is to play the role of a hero student and get along with the class. I've pulled some strings to assure your enrollment and place in the school. Don't disappoint me." he explained. Dazai groaned, rolling his eyes once again.

"I hate you, you're so fucking annoying." Dazai grumbled.

"Behave. Now, go to bed, or don't, I don't care. As long as you're in Mustufasu by 8 in the morning." he chuckled. "Oh, and Q is going along with you. She's getting involved with this villain who is working on a quirk erasing antidote. I'm hoping it'll work on abilities as well. Good night."

Dazai froze. No fucking way. Q, the sadistic mentally insane non binary six year old child that can kill you, was going on a daily 2 hour trip with him? Not like Q could hurt him, but still, why? They were so petty, so annoying, so Qish.

"Fuck you, Mori!!!" Dazai yelled, kicking the uniform off of his uncomfortable bed and laying down. He was so aggravating. What did his grandfather ever see in him?

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