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Dazai remembered Mori's orders. Blend in, get along, and.. be nice. He almost threw up just thinking about becoming someone joyful and smiley. But Mori asked for it. It's best to obey, to avoid punishment. And so he did. He threw on a fake smile and forced light into his eyes.

"Good morning!" he said, "Don't you even worry about it, these halls are so crowded it's kind of inevitable." He threw in the fakest laugh ever.

"Ah, thank you, my name is Tenya Iida, Class 1a." the boy answered.

"Osamu Dazai, also Class 1a." he responded.

"How come I didn't hear of you in the entrance exam?" he asked. Entrance exam? Dazai had never heard of an entrance exam. Probably part of the strings Mori pulled.

"Oh, yeah, I was there. I like to hide in the shadows." he told the boy. It wasn't exactly a lie. He did like to be in the shadows. But he definitely wasn't at the exam.

"I see. Let's go to class together!" the boy smiled. This was gonna be one hell of a year.

"Of course." Dazai smiled back in return. Gosh, this guy was annoying.

Dazai took his seat behind a blonde haired boy. His hair was very messy. He was very kept to himself but didn't seem nice. He wore an angry glare in his red eyes and had a scowl on his face. He tapped his foot impatiently.

To the right of him was a black haired boy. He seemed nice but wasn't overdoing it like the first boy he met. This guy had straight black hair that fell right above his shoulders. His eyes were wide, but his pupils were small, and he had a big smile with perfectly squared teeth.

There was a boy behind him with a funky looking hair style. Dazai had never seen such a thing. He decided he hated him from the moment he laid eyes on him. He was ugly and short. Very loud, too. The boy tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey, you." the boy spoke, tapping him again. Dazai rolled his eyes, turning around. "Woah, what's with so many bandages!?" he yelled. The whole class looked over at him. Dazai ignore them all, spinning back around and slouching into his seat.

A girl on the other side of the row in front of him yelled out: "I think your bandages look cool! They make you look so mysterious!!" A grin spread across her face from ear to ear. Dazai could read people like a book, and he knew for a fact she was being genuine. He found it odd but shrugged it off. This girl could be toleratable.

The girl had an interesting appearance. It'd definitely be called weird back in Yokohama, but it was seen as normal here in Mustufasu. It must be a quirk thing. After all, a lot of these kids looked like complete freaks. Her skin was pink, and her eyes had black scelera and mustard yellow irises. She wore a boyish haircut, messier than Q's, and had antlers on her head.

"Thank you." Dazai answered nonchalantly. He thought it was impossible, yet the girl's smile grew even wider.

"Uh-huh! I'm Mina, by the way, Mina Ashido!!" she shared. She was noisy, noisier than Chuuya, that's saying something.

"Osamu Dazai." he muttered in response. He was only ever loud around Chuuya. He felt no want or need to match this girl's energy. Though, he felt like he could bear her, unlike the blue haired boy from earlier.

Just then, a giant yellow worm came crawling in. Then it stood. It, in fact, was not a worm. Dazai sighed. He was hoping for a giant creature to murder him right now. He hated school, and it was boring. It was revealed that there was a tired looking man inside a yellow sleeping bag, someone famous, according to the class. Someone named "Eraserhead." Though, his head seemed pretty normal to Dazai. This so-called Eraserhead guy turned out to be their homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa. It was finally the beginning of hell.

He went on and on with a lecture about school etiquette and what it meant to be a student there at U.A. High. He threatened that he could expel any student in a snap of a finger, and not even the principal would disapprove him. He dress coded Dazai almost instantly, but he ignored him. He didn't own the boy. After all, it was a free country.

Aizawa told the class to change into their training uniform, and after that, they made their way over to a field. He held a softball that was connected to a phone indicating just how far it was thrown. The blonde boy from earlier, now known as Bakugo, was first to throw the ball. It went 705 meters.

The class began to talk about how 'fun' the said challenge seemed to be. They were all excited about being able to throw the ball using their powers. Dazai had none, so his would be basic as hell.

"So this looks 'fun'?" Aizawa spoke. The class went silent. "You have three years to become a hero. Do you think it's gonna be games and playtime?" No one gave a response. "Idiots," he said, "today you'll compete in 8 physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately."

Most of the class gasps at the man's words. Dazai stays quiet. It was clear the man was bluffing. He simply wanted the students to test their full capabilities. He wanted to determine their worth, just like they did with the new mafia recruits.

"You can't send one of us home!! I mean, we just got here!!" a girl whined. She was shorter than average with chubby cheeks and short brown hair. "Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!!"

"Oh, but do you think natural disasters are?" the teacher replied, cutting her off. They class went silent once again. "Power hungry villains, hm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No. It's a full world of unfairness. It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness."

The man went on about what it meant to be a student here at the high school. The curveballs they'd be thrown. He said it was up to each student to mark their place in the school and show the teachers that they deserve to be there.

Their exams began, starting with a 50-meter dash. The blue haired guy from earlier won with 3.04 seconds. Dazai had no helping powers and instead ran like a normal human being. He got 7.03 seconds.

The second exam was Grip Strength, where you had to grip a metal weight as tight as possible. The top man had six arms. He got 583 kilograms. Dazai only achieved 56 kilograms.

The next exam was Standing Long Jump. Everyone did well, but again, Dazai was unable to reach such lengths. He began to feel irritated. Why would Mori send him to such school when he was useless here. Chuuya held powers. He should have been sent instead.

Next was Repeated Side Steps. It was fairly easy, a cardio workout, but Dazai couldn't do it nearly as fast enough as the other students.

Ball Throw was the next test. The same whiny girl from earlier managed to throw the ball at no measurable distance. Dazai was internally pissed. And so, fueling all the range into his fingertips, all the hate and resentment he held towards Mori and these so-called 'heroes', he threw the ball. And it went 705.3 meters. A surprise, even to him, but he was pleased. The blonde haired boy was not.

"Hey!! You bastard, tell me how you did that or you're dead!!" he yelled, running full speed towards Dazai. His reckless attempt of an attack was easily stopped with the scarf of the teacher. Now he knew that the blonde haired boy was infact not a nice guy.

They finished up the rest of the exams with sit-ups, seated toe touches, and the long distance run.

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