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"Hello there, Mr. Dazai!" Q grinned. Dazai groaned. Unappeased by the fact that this child was the first person he saw upon waking up. He was enjoying his slumber before waking up to the child practically screaming right in front of his face. The kid's face remained inches above his, and he pushed them away.

"Go away." he muttered, annoyed.

"I can't do that, Mr. Dazai, Mori said you had to take me to Kai Chisaki's estate!" Q answered. Dazai rolled his eyes, grabbing the white button-up and red tie, getting dressed and ready with the addition of his black slacks and coat. "That's not your uniform." Q spoke.

"Fuck off, I don't care." Dazai answered. Q let out a huff.

Finally ready, the two young mafiosos left the house. They made their way over to the nearest train station near Dazai's dump of a home. It was a 15-minute walk from where they currently stood.

"Stay by me at all times, or I will break every bone in your body. You got that? I am not in the mood for saving a six year old child from getting lost or kidnapped." Dazai warned Q. The child simply nodded their head, slightly angry at the fact that Dazai never cared.

Dazai was still angry at the fact that he had to go to school. He'd never been to school before. It was unfair that he had to go to school now. He already knew it all. Even without an education, Dazai knew extreme mathematical equations. He knew all about science and chemistry, and he knew about writing and speaking both English and Japanese. It was a pointless mission in his eyes. He didn't even have a 'quirk', so how would he be a part of a superhero school?

Questions filled his mind as they made their way over to the boarding station. Did these so-called 'heroes' actually save people? Why hadn't he ever heard of them? And why weren't there any in Yokohama? Why haven't any saved him from his grandfather and Mori? Why was he still stuck in the Port Mafia?

It wasn't fair. He's was only fifteen years old. Ten of those years, he'd been stuck with his grandfather after his parents died. He didn't remember much of his childhood with his mother and father. His grandfather always told him that his mother was a sick woman, crazy in the head just like him. He didn't know much about his father, though. He probably was never there.

Five years old. That's when he came to be a part of the Port Mafia. He wasn't like Q. Luckily, he wasn't caged up, and he wasn't forced to do dirty work. But he had always known of his grandfather's occupation. For years, he would stay at the side of his grandfather for everything. He hated his grandfather. He was a mean old man. Always inflicting pain on him, always making him hurt.

He was 9 years old when he attempted suicide. It wasn't his first try, but it definitely was one of his best attempts. Stupid Mori saved him. After his recovery, Mori killed his grandfather and became the Port Mafia boss since Dazai was still too young. Dazai didn't care about the death of his grandfather. He didn't like him. In fact, he thought of Mori as a savior, a god. Obviously, he wasn't because Dazai grew to hate him just as much.

Mori made him do all the dirty work. He killed people, he scrubbed their bloody floors, he spied on other organizations, and he infiltrated bases. Mori was no better than his grandfather. He might even be worse. At least back then, his grandfather didn't punish him for things every child did. Drop a cup, or not know how to tie your shoes. Why did it matter what he couldn't  do, when he was twelve and making explosives that blew up mansions? He was a smart boy. A smart boy placed in the wrong hands. A pawn. That's all he was.

They finally arrived in Mustufasu. It was a long train ride. And a very annoying one, too. Q kept on blabbering about God knows what, Dazai wasn't listening.

"Mr. Dazai, can we get ice cream?" Q asked almost innocently. That's when Dazai realized that despite how irritating this kid could be, Q was only a child. Just like he was. Scary, sure. But inside that little brain of his wasn't all just torture and murder. Sometimes, there were thoughts of ice cream and sweets. Sometimes, there were thoughts of dolls and stuffed toys. Things that Dazai wished for at some point and never received. His look softened towards Q.

"If you behave with Kai Chisaki, sure. I'll buy you ice cream on the way home." Q's eyes lit up.

"Really!?" he grinned. "I will be good, Mr. Dazai, I promise." Dazai's face remained cold, void of emotion, but his heart, for once, felt a little.. warmer.

"Dazai." he spoke. "I'm not an old man." Q giggled.

They made their way towards Kai Chisaki's base, walking Q inside and even meeting the man himself. Dazai saw another little girl there, around Q's age. He found it odd that there were children in a villainous experimentation area but didn't put his mind into it. There were young kids in the mafia, too.

Finally, just as his phone rang 8:20, Dazai arrived at his new school. U.A. High. It was a giant place, and there were teens roaming around everywhere. Too many people. The hallways to homeroom were crowded, and a boy ran into him. A puny kid.

"I'm so sorry! I apologize for not watching where I was going!" he bowed frantically. He was annoyingly loud.

They made eye contact, and the boy froze in his place, looking straight into Dazais empty eyes. Dazai examined the boy in front of him. He was tall with slight muscles. He was very tense. He seemed basic, boring even. His shoes were bland and he wore old man galsses. His hair did him no justice either, a straight slick with a side part. A total dork. A four eyed nerd.

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