Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Disclaimer I don't own Teen Wolf. If I did, Derek Hale would never wear another shirt again...Never EVER!

Cassie's POV

One Week Later

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groan and shut it off. It is Saturday morning and I had already spent a week in Beacon Hills. I hadn't seen anymore of Derek Hale, but I had seen more of Scott McCall. We had become good friends. So had Stiles Stilinski and I. And I had learned a lot.

I learned Scott and the new girl, Allison, were getting close, I learned Stiles had a major thing for the redhead bitch Lydia. I learned Jackson Whittemore was captain of the Lacrosse team. Like I said, I had learned a lot. Jackson keeps trying to flirt with me, Lydia hates me for it, Scott likes me and so does Allison. But Stiles had gotten closer to me in a different way than Scott and Allison. I think he's beginning to like me, instead of Lydia.

I sigh and sit up in bed. I rub at my eyes then stretch and get out of bed. I go over to the bathroom and walk in, shutting the door behind me. Then I remember that Allison and I are going shopping today. I groan. I hate shopping...but it's for Allison. I turn on the shower, strip then get in.

As the water rushes over my body, I think about all that has really happened in the last week. I think about how cute Allison and Scott look together, though they aren't an actually couple. I think about how Stiles has seemed to grown attached to me. I think about how Jackson always stares at me and how Lydia in turn glares murderous at me. But the one thing I think most about is the man I had met in the woods. Derek Hale...he was a mystery to me. The man in the leather eyes...Damn he was hot. But he was also if I was there to harm him or something. As if he expected me to hurt him...

I sigh and shake my head, trying to believe that it is ridiculous. I wash my hair then my body. I then get out of the shower, shutting the water off and wrapping a towel around my body. I walk out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom.

I go over to my wardrobe, open it then walk in. I spend about ten minutes trying to find the right outfit for today and when I finally do find it, I let the towel fall away from my body.

*Break In Time*

When I'm finally dressed and ready to go, my long blonde hair is in a pony-tail, I'm wearing a black shirt that has a wolf on it and says 'I Only Bite On A Full Moon' in blood red writing. I'm also wearing black jeans and black boots. My phone begins to ring.

"Hello?" I say when I open it and put it so my ear.

"Hello Cassie. It's Allison. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes I am. I'm about to walk out the door" I say.

"Good" I can hear the smile in her voice. I'm confused until I open my door and find her car in my driveway. I smile and close and lock my door then get in the car.

*Break In Time*

"So, do you like the blue,or the green?" Allison asks me, holding up two shirts. I sigh.

" It brings out the color if your eyes" I say. She smiles and goes to try it on.

"Hey Cassie. Fancy seeing you hear" I jump when Scott is suddenly standing behind me.

"Scott! What are you doing here?" I ask, turning to look at him. He looks nervous, as if he's been caught in the act of something.

"" He says, making it a question.

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