Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Disclaimer I don't own Teen Wolf. If I did, Derek Hale would never wear another shirt again...EVER!

Cassie POV

I walk through the door to Beacon Hills High School. I look around at all the students. I have long blonde hair, and forest green eyes. My shirt is black and in red writing it says "I Don't Hesitate" I am also wearing black jeans and a black leather jacket. I look down at the piece of paper in my hand. Locker: 2394 Combination: Turn right three times then stop on 33, turn left all the way around once then stop on 49, then turn right till you stop at 41 I sigh. That meant I had to go upstairs. I find the stairs and head up until I get to the second floor.

*Break In Time*

I eventually find my locker after about five minutes of searching. I put in my combination and I'm surprised when it actually opens for me. I pretty much dump all of my books in my locker, then look at my schedule. I had Chemistry first. I smile. I had always loved Chemistry. It always came to me so easy. I grabbed my book, closed my locker and headed to Chemistry.

*Break In Time*

The bell rang right as I got to the door of my class. My teacher was writing on the board when I walked in. I was about three seconds late, so I figured I could get away with it. I was wrong.

"Your late" my teacher said. I stared at him.

"Well yeah, but by only three sec-" I'm cut off by him turning around and speaking.

"I don't care if it were three years. You are late. Now, if you don't take your seat, I'm going to give you detention" I stared at him incredulously. Was he serious? I mean, it's not that big of a deal, it was only three seconds. I couldn't resist the urge to talk back.

"A detention? For what?" I said, glaring at him. He smiled/smirked.

"That's it. Detention. You are to stay after class for a half hour" he said. I glared at him and took my seat. There was only one seat open so I ended up sitting beside some guy who wouldn't stop staring at me.

*Break In Time*

It turned out, a lot of people knew my Chemistry teacher was a dick so when I tried to explain why I was late, all I had to tell my English teacher was that my Chemistry teacher gave me detention. Cool, huh? Eh, sort of. Well, anyways, the rest of my classes went pretty smooth.

*Break In Time*

At the moment I am heading towards my car when all of a sudden, this cute boy with brown hair and beautiful and warm brown eyes walks up to me.

"Don't worry about him. He does that all the time" he says. I look at him, actually confused.

"Huh?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Harris. The Chemistry teacher?" he says. Understanding showed in my eyes as realization hit me. He was talking about the dick teacher who gave me detention for now reason.

"Is he really always that bad?" I ask. He chuckles again.

"Yes. You eventually get used to it" he says. I stare at him.

"Really?" I ask, not believing him.

", not really" he says. I laugh.

"That's what I thought. So, do you always get called out in front of the entire class?" I ask. He smiles at me.

"Yeah...Harris seems to really hate me and my best friend, Stiles" he says. I'm about to comment on the fact that his best friend's name is Stiles, but someone speaks before I can say anything.

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