Introduction ..

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Please read this first before continuing ..

This story is created by me!
(@ morningmr.magpie on instagram .. most of you probably know me from there..)

This is also a collaboration project! With the help of some of my friends and followers, I've got scenes and designs done .. so I'd love to give them a good mention now..

@ aghostlystudio
@ inpitchdark
@ hymn4ascarecrow
@ payaso_babas_69

These are the Instagram handles of the main people who have pitched a few things, or helped/collaborated on this little project .. Please go check them out!!

Another honourable mention to
@ payaso_babas_69 for the cover art !! If you haven't seen his art already, you definitely should ..


Now, about the story itself ..
The five Radiohead guys are in highschool! But in their 1993 era... If that makes sense. They have their same mindsets and looks as they did in 1993. As the story goes, you'll learn more about them and why they act the way they do ..

I need to clarify that the actual band will NOT be a main aspect in the story !! Since this is an AU fan-fiction, it won't be like how we know Radiohead/ On a Friday in our own world, lol ..

But, you'll read all about the band and how things go .. I think you guys will find it rather interesting !!

Another IMPORTANT fact about how the whole secondary school will actually function .. For several reasons, the school will moreso function as an American highschool would .. Hopefully it doesn't sound too complicated in the actual story, but don't dwell too much on it. Ha..


This isn't too important, but you may find that some scenarios are a bit cliche .. That is on PURPOSE! I want this to be a funny story .. A good mix of reality and comedy .. It's supposed to be a bit corny and stupid! So don't take it too seriously. If anything, I'm going for a 'typical American highschool movie' type of vibe ..

That's all for now .. I hope you enjoy reading this silly story .. Thank you all !!

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