How Do You?

153 5 4

2 September 1992

It was already half an hour past 8 in the morning,  and homeroom class is expected to end in just a few more minutes. Some students managed to be late- even for the first day of school.

After attempting to sneak in through a courtyard behind the school, Thom managed to trip over some little pebbles.. He was too nervous to enter through the front office in fear of being scolded, so he decided he'd sneak in just in time for transition to first period, so no one would suspect a thing. Being absent from homeroom on the first day was already troublesome enough. Thom weaseled himself in the building, walking through the unfamiliar halls like a headless chicken.
He didn't make it too far, though. A voice was heard behind him, making him jump. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

He turned around to see a tall guy, though he didn't look like a staff member. He was a student. "Uh.. I'm having myself a restroom break.. That's all." Thom responded, standing up straight to appear cool to the taller student in front of him, though it didn't work considering the dust that covered his uniform. The taller student stepped closer, towering over Thom as he dusted off the coat of his uniform for him. "Restroom break, huh? Seems you need it. You look filthy." He simply responded, looking down at Thom with a smirk.

He had to fight the urge to blush in complete embarrassment. He'd made a fool out of himself, and he was even a bit offended that the taller student tried to help him out. The smirk pissed him off even further. Thom swatted his hands away, and dusted himself off. "Yeah, whatever.. Why are you here anyway? Don't you have class, too?" Thom muttered, closing himself off by crossing his arms over his chest. The taller student shrugged, keeping up a nonchalant attitude. "Yeah, I'm skipping. Better know your next class, too. Transition is gonna begin right about.." Before he could finish, a chime went off over the speakers, indicating time for transition. Thom couldn't get a word in to the student as he already began walking off to his class. Students began to flood the halls and scatter off to their first period class.. With a heavy sigh, Thom decided to carry on to find his class.

Thom was determined to make himself known in the school, but he didn't know how to. It's not like he wanted to be known for being an idiot, either. He thought back to the taller student he encountered before. He seemed cool, but why? His attire was different, but Thom was too caught up in the moment to even mention it to him. All of the students wore the uniform and suits that were mandatory to wear, yet that particular student wore a leather jacket. Now that was badass. Going against the norm? Not caring for dress code? Who wouldn't want to be like that? Or at least, that's what Thom thought would make him appear cool..

With the six minutes of transition time to first period, it was a short time to take a look around the school. Thom needed to understand everything about the school if he wanted to be the coolest kid.

While walking to first period, Thom had a hard time finding it. But, he had a good look around the halls. One thing to know for certain, it was that the school is very passionate about sports and physical education. Other schools around the area didn't care much at all for making it big in sports, but this school did. Up on the walls, there's a whole board dedicated to the athletes of the school year. The boys were actually excited about sports, too. They were eager to scrimmage in rugby, football, hell- even American football.

Even the punishments are fun for these boys. They make them run around in circles on one leg, and they go at it for the entire period.

Now, to be considered 'cool' in the sports world of this highschool, you'd have to actually be in a sports team, and be in the after school program. That meant that you were serious about sports. You were a good ass athlete if you were in the after school program and an actual sports team.
Rugby is a fun sport for the boys, but it's more of a pass-time sport, something to play for pure fun- though it got competitive at times... Why wouldn't it?

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