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           It was about ten minutes until the end of first period, and Mr. Hamely let the students have time to themselves to talk amongst their peers. Kids grouped up and began their chattering while Thom and Colin stayed in their seats.

"So... What class do you have next, Thom?" Colin asked, putting the maths textbook in his bookbag. Thom's mind was a bit occupied at the moment- worrying about things that didn't matter. He looked at Colin, almost forgetting his schedule. "Ah- I think it's.. history or something like that.." He muttered in response. Thom had just shoved his textbook away, glad that maths were over for the day.

"You sound very unsure about that. Should probably check your schedule- don't want to run around like an idiot." Colin jested. Thom rolled his eyes but began to doubt himself. He didn't want to look stupid in front of his new friend- or anyone for that matter. "Nah, I've got it. I know it's history next. I'll find it." He mumbled, looking over at Colin. "What's your next class, anyway?" He redirected the conversation over to Colin to avoid any more chances at embarrassments. "I've got literature. I heard the teacher's a dick, too."

"Oh yeah? Guy or lady?" Thom asked with a stupid smirk on his face. "It's a lady... Why does that matter?" Colin's head tilted to the side. Thom didn't elaborate and instead, he shrugged. "Nothing. Just wanted to know. Sucks we don't have the same class together next."

"Yeah... No problem, anyway." Colin slipped his book bag over his shoulder as it were only a few more minutes until transition. "What about third period? What class do you have?" Thom asked him.

Colin thought for a second, and replied, "I've got physical education... You?"
Thom's face brightened up for a second upon hearing this, until his mind began to think about a few things. "I have it, too." The thought of physical education almost made Thom sick. Everybody seemed so excited over it, but Thom dreaded it. He thought it was an open door for more embarrassments. The more he thought about it, he felt like clawing at his skin.

Colin noticed Thom's brief and quiet distress. "What? You're not ready for it? You're stressing out about...physical education...?" Colin asked as if it were stupid of him- and it probably was. Thom sighed, slinging his book bag over his shoulder as well. Everyone else had their book bags on, and they stood at their desks, ready to run out the moment the bell chimed. "It's nothing. So what if I am stressing out about it? Let me be an idiot in peace." He rolled his eyes.

Colin shrugged his shoulders and got up from his seat. "Alright... Just don't freak out, man. It really is not a big deal. I'll be there with you, anyway." He spoke in a somewhat teasing but calm voice, hoping to alleviate Thom's useless worrying.

Thom felt embarrassed to even discuss this topic, so he looked away. "Yeah, whatever." He mumbled out. Luckily, the conversation couldn't be continued further cos the bell had finally chimed. Thom glanced at Colin, but didn't exchange a goodbye. Maybe being nonchalant would make him look cooler. However, Colin gave a friendly wave as they both walked out of the classroom along with the other students.

With the thought of third period in his mind, Thom felt a bit distracted. Maybe he was overreacting, but he felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety at the thought. Scenarios of embarrassing himself got to his head and he walked fast through the halls, keeping his head down.
Though, that was probably a mistake to keep his head so low. His face slammed into the back of another person, causing an embarrassingly attention-grabbing collision. He heard the snickers of students around them, but they continued walking anyway.

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