2. I will save you

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That child was running through a gap between big trees, holding that little girl in his small hands. Then suddenly a very loud sound is heard. (booom.....)

This sound is coming from the direction from which the child had run. He looks back and sees that the car was on fire, it did not seem that anyone was alive in it. Seeing this he holds the girl tightly.

If he had not taken her out from there at the right time then... he cannot even think beyond this as to what could have happened. He takes a look at the girl and then starts running forward.

Towards the car......

Some time ago

When that little boy takes that girl away, the girl's mother was trying to get out of the car. Then some men come who were following them. They all get down from their bikes and come near that car, then they see that the woman is trying to get out of the car and her husband had died on the spot. Then a man comes there in his car.

he was tall, so hot and handsome and had a evil smile on his lips everyone was wearing black suit expect him, he was wearing a jean plants and a t-shirt with a jacket,he was around in his 20s, and looked like he was the boss

"Hey, what are you doing, can't you guys see that these people have had an accident and you are standing like this. Do you have any shame or disgrace, instead of helping those people, you are standing like this. Ha...ha....ha... What did you think, you guys will be able to escape from me, what did you think, if you change the city again and again, then I will not be able to find you guys." That man said to the lady

Hearing his voice that lady looked towards him "you?" She said with confusion

"Hey darling do you miss me,oo how silly of me i should first ask, how are you?" "You? What do you want now?" "Come on, what kind of a way is this to talk to your old college friend" "You were never my friend... I never agree... I never agreeing with you "

He starts laughing even after hearing this.

"You people have a huge misunderstanding, I had already told you to give her to me but no, you people had to do social service, now suffer, who will save you and look like your husband has already passed away too and you are the only one left, you are already on the verge of death so sad na.., but, but where is your daughter, for whom I had to do so much planning?"

Saying this he looks at the back seat of the car, it was empty, there was no one in it. Neither that girl nor any trace of her. Seeing this he becomes furious. He shouts and says

"Where is she aaaaaa.... for whom I shed so many murders, for whom I had to bring her to the brink of death, the one whom I loved. Where is she? Tell me the truth where is she, otherwise it will not be good for you."

That man comes to that woman

"It will not be good, what can be worse than this, and the one you are searching for, you will never find her, she has gone from here, very far away from you, you will never be able to find her, I have sent her away from you" she said

" Look Madhu, I am asking you with love, tell me where is that girl, where have you kept hidden her?" " With love, ha.. Do you even know the meaning of love, and what do you think, I will never tell you, even if I have to die?"

"Do you think that I will not be able to find her, that you will be able to hide her from me, maybe you are forgetting who I am."

Madhu try to say something more but that man doesn't listen

Then he signals something to his man, on getting his signal the man takes out his lighter and throws it towards the car, as soon as the lighter touches the car there is a loud noise and the car catches fire, petrol was already leaking in the car and as soon as it touched the fire, the car explodes, see this the everyone start laughing horribly expect him for a moment he looks sad.

Then he gives them the order to find that girl. And with his men they separate into different parts of the jungle and start searching for that girl.

On other side.....

The boy was still running with the girl in his arms and was looking back again and again. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. I will save you from those people". The boy said looking at the girl.

After running from a long way he reached a place to catch a breath then he looked around to find a good place to hide there that's when he saw a tall tree and goes there, that tree has a big hole inside on it look like tunnel so it make a good spot to hide

He sits under that tree hole and takes long deep breaths he was still holding that girl in his arms

A sound comes from out side of that tree tak...tak...tak ( walking sound)

"Find her, I want her at any cost". (Some men's voices are heard)

The boy heard everything they talking about. He was hiding there so they can't see them, after hearing them he understands that they are who which that lady tell him about and he has to save the girl from them by any means

he understands that these people are searching for that girl only, so he gets alert and starts looking here and there.

Suddenly he had an idea and he start to run out of that tree when those people see that boy, they notice that he boy hold something in his arms covered in baby towel. So they also starts chasing him thinking he have that girl

While chasing him those people say "hey boy stop, stop right there, Sir we have found that boy, hey boy stop otherwise it will not be good." But that boy does not stop and starts running even faster.

After running for a long time someone comes front of him cause him to hit with him and falls down in ground, then his mans come and finally catch him but when they see who stops the boy is they said with horrid

"boss...ss we're so sorry boss" "what's the matter, you guys couldn't even catch one kid, anyways where is that girl?" "Boss this child has it" "Oh really bring that child to me" "yes boss"

Then they said to the boy "Hey kid, you make us running a lot but finally you got caught, now give us that girl" "No..! Never"

Hearing this that man comes and goes to that child and says "Listen child, why are you saving this girl, we don't know who you are and what are you doing in this dense forest at this time of the night. You don't know who we are. So like a good child, hand over this girl to us. It will be good for you."

On this, the child laughs and says "Ha...ha... when you yourself don't know who you are, then what harm can you do to me . And what do you think, I will give this girl to you, never, from today and from now on, she is mine, only mine."

Hearing this the man gets very angry and he slaps the boy hard. And tells his men "snacks that girl away from him, I will also see how he will save her."

ring....ring...... ( Phone call)

In that time that man's phone started to ringing, he picked the call, a mans voice comes from the phone it's seems like he was in his 50s, maybe he says

"Hello Arnav, what happened to that girl? You found her. You killed her, right?" On this Arnav says, "Dad, don't call me during working hours. And as far as that girl is concerned, she is going to die in a short while" (Arnav says this looking at the child). That child gets very angry after listening to Arnav and his eyes start turning red but he controls his anger.

But one of his man calls him "BOSS" before he can finish talking with his father

" Boss this is not that girl"

"WHAT?" Arnav looks at them with a shocking face

Hi everyone do you like this story if you do please vote this chapter I know first few chapter are little slow but the main story will start soon please wait for that 😉❤ And comment me if you like this part your comment will motivate me

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