3. New life

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"Sir this is not a girl." "What?" Arnav in shock look at them with a shocking face  "Yes sir this is not a girl but a stick. This child had wrapped the stick in a cloth, Which made us think that he has the girl." One of his man said

Hearing this Arnav gets very angry and he goes to that boy and grab his hand tightly then asks him. "Tell me where is the girl ? What did you do to her?"

Some time ago.....when he made a plan to trick them

(The fact is...... that girl is still unconscious)

"I will not let anything happen to you but I'm sorry, I have to do this. I have promised your mummy that I will save you from them When you wake up, don't make too much noise okay I will divert their attention" saying this he runs away holding that wood and then those people also started running after him

Present time....

Arnav angrily asks the kid "Where is she? I know you know where she is." But the kid doesn't say anything.

" Ha....ha...... (The boy says laughing) No, never, you won't get her ever again"

On the other side ........

The girl regains consciousness. She looks around with her cute eyes. She gets scared finding herself in an unknown place. There were only scary trees all around.

Seeing this, she starts crying and looking for her mother. " Mumma, Mumma, where are you. I am scared. Mumma" crying, she searches for her mother and comes out of that place "Mumma, Papa. Where are you, baby is looking for you "

On the other side......

A young couple was also passed by on that place, those couple were returned back from mountain hiking they were returning to their car while talking

"You are feeling better now? Has mood improved now?. If it still hasn't improved then tell me do you want to have Panipuri, Bhelpuri too?" The man asks his wife

"Yes, yes, in this dense forest you are the one who has set up a Panipuri, Bhelpuri stall, right?" his wife says "If you say so, then that too will be fun" the man says while laughing, His wife glares at him angrily "Okay baba, it's fine, I won't joke anymore. And you don't worry, we will go to the adoption center again tomorrow and talk, don't be so sad." Saying this he hugs his wife.

They were just about to leave when they heard a kid crying,looking for her parents. when they look around they see a little girl sitting near a tree and crying

"This sounds like a child crying, doesn't it?" the woman said to her husband. "Yes, I can hear it too, let's go and see."

When they go a little further, they see a little girl who is crying a lot and scared she is mumbling something repeatedly.

They both go to her. "What happened child, what are you doing here and at this time? Where are your parents?" the couple asks the girl.

That girl looks at them with her which had become dull now from crying "I don't know where I am. I can't find mom and dad. They are lost." The girl says to them while crying.

The lady cannot sees that girl crying more so she takes out a handkerchief from her pocket then wipes the tears from the girl faces, she always carries a candy in her pocket so she gives it to her and asks

"They are lost? Well, you are lost. Ok, first tell us where you were the last time and where did you see your parents?" The couple says and asks the girl if the girl has seen them.

That little girl looks straight at her eyes and said "We were going home in the car. Then a big vehicle came from the front and we collided with it. I don't remember what happened after that." The girl says spreading her hands.

Hearing this, the couple understands that the girl and her parents have met with an accident and she has survived from it.

The man said, "I think we should take her to the police station and complain about her." His wife said. "What if they don't find her parents? What if those people are dead? What will happen to this girl? They will give her to orphanage."

"Maybe yes, but what can we do?" the man said. "Can't we take her with us? Can't she live with us? his wife says to him, looking at him with a requesting eye.

"Until we find her parents. And if they are not alive then we will... adopt her. Please agree to it Don't you think she needs the love of her parents? And God must have sent her for us only, otherwise think why would we have found her in this dense forest. This girl could have died in that accident. But no, we found her. And we was going to adopt such children also, so why not her, Subham" his wife tells him

Subham says, "okay okay don't look at me like that, things happen" Subham, looks toward the girl and said with a smile "So it is decided that from today you are our daughter and from now on you will stay with us"

Then he looks at his wife and said "But we will still try our best to find her parents." Subham picks up the girl in his arm.

"First of all we should take her to a doctor,so should we go elena"hearing this a big smile appears on elena's face and she said "Okay let's go" They both take the girl and leave from there.

On the other side.......

Arnav said angrily "Find her at any cost, I want her. Find her from anywhere." His man"But sir what should we do with him?" "Do anything. He is of no use to us. Tie him to the tree here. And go find that girl." "Ok sir."

They tied him in that tree and All the people leave from there leaving that child alone

After they are gone

The boy "Those people are not here yet, I have to leave from here right now" That child starts struggling to free himself from the rope. Then he notices that the ropes he was tied was loosely, so he takes advantage of that and after a lot of struggle he frees himself from that rope and runs away from there. 

"I'm sorry. I am leaving you. But I am sure that you will be safe with those people. I am sure that by now those uncle and aunty will definitely help you, I saw them going that way, you will be safe with them now But don't worry, I will find you very soon. Just wait for me. I'll come for you." That child says while leaving from there.

Hello everyone 👋 how's you doing? Well the past time period is finally over now the next will be in present time😁 hope you will like it

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