17| Renuion - pt.2

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Pt.2 as I promised <3

And will contain smut! Sorry not sorry🖕😈😚✌️


Kai's POV:(i think this all will be Kais pov, but idk🤷‍♀️)

I was sleeping in my bed with the love of my life when i heard the alarm go off. I got the pillow to my ears. "Turn it off! Please! I want to sleep." I murmured under the pillow but Cole get it away from me.

I sat up and extended my hands towards him. "Give them back please.." i looked at him with my puppy eyes. He put down the pillow and kissed me. I kissed back him wanting more.

He pulled back. "Sorry sunshine, but we need to go to the monastery remember?" He said kissing my forhead this time.

I hugged him tightly. "When will there be a day when its just you and me?" I asked. He chuckled at me. "Soon babe. Soon. Just have some patience will you?" I looked at him.

"I guess your right. Thank you Cole. I love you." I said still hugging him. "I love you even more Kai." We then pulled away and we kissed again. We pulled away again. "Im gonna check the kids okay? Can you make breakfast?" Cole asked me. I smiled.

"Yes, i'll honey." I kissed his cheeks and i did my bed. "Do your bed to please." He gave me a nod and a soft smile. We walked in the hallway when Cole stopped at the kids door. "Im gonna wake 'em up. What will you make baby?"

My husband looked at me for answers. I moved closer to him and whispered something in his ears. "You'll see." I said and i kissed his cheeks. He kissed me deeply. I liked this.

He pulled away. "I love Kai suprises."He looked at me and i looked at him. We kissed again. He even picked me up. I was like a koala guys.

"Daddy? Papa? What are you doing?" We heard a sweet girl voice and we fell on the floor. We looked embrassed. I turned to my daughter. "H-hey s-sweetie... ummm.... how many did you see all of this?"

I asked nervously still blushing. "All of it, but i just heard the begining and i wanted to know what you and papa doing so i checked it but i dont understand."

I looked at Cole and my face was sill red like Cole's. Kiara had her favourite plushy with her. It was Toothless the Dragon. "Sweetie. You're too young to hear this but if you get more older we'll tell you and your brother okay?" She smiled and hugged me.

"Okay daddy. I love you!" I hugged her back. "I love you too sweetie." Cole joined the hug. "And i love you too Papa." Cole smiled. "I love you too Kiara."

I pulled away and went to the kitchen to make breakfast and i could only think abaut 1 thing. My daughter saw that me and Cole made out. We traumatized her. I just hope she won't tell anyone... R-right?

"What do you make daddy?" A boy voice asked. I turned around and i saw my son. "Its a suprise honey." I smiled at him. He held his favourite plush which was a T-rex from Jurassic World. Her name was Rexy.

"O-okay then." He sat one of the chairs. "H-how did you and Papa met?" I chuckled. "Its a really long and a complicated story but i'll tell you soon okay?" He laughed. "Kyle where are you honey?" My husband came from the hallway.

"Kyle Noel Brookstone Smith. I told you that not come out of that room till you get your clothes on." Cole stood here with crossed arms. I went to him and i got Kyle up. "Darling. Dont be mean to him. He is just 5 years old." I kissed Cole's cheeks.

I told Kyle that go to the room to change. Cole put his hands on my waist and our lips were inches away. "Anything for you. Baby." He winked and kissed me. I kissed back. I dont know why we kiss each other this often today. I just love him.

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