Mother heart

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Mrs Lee :- Who are you ?
Yn :- I'm Mr Lee My papa one and only child.

Mrs Lee :- Yn you . Oh my god ! My child has become so big now .
Yn :- Mrs. Whatever you are going to become. These lines suits on relatives because they are the one who meet you after so many days , months , years. But see here in my life my mother opps! I mean my father ex wife is saying this because she is meeting me after so many years . Whatever move and let me tell you first that I'm here because I want see who is that person you choose above my father. I want to see how much your taste / standard have become low .

<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠><⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠><⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠><⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄


After saying that Yn hit her shoulder with Mrs Lee shoulder and went inside the mansion.

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I felt so hurted at that moment when my mom said to me who are you ? But I coldly replied that I'm Mr. Lee my papa one and only daughter. How can she forget me . In childhood when my papa was alive , I always said jokingly to my mom that when I would grow up I would go to another country for my high school study and ofcourse my facial features would get changed and you would not able to know me when I would come back .
Then she always replied that her mother heart that only beat for me would get to know me because face not make the relationship , Relationship is made by heart and mother daughter relationship is the strongest and when I will be around her the tie that connects the mother daughter heart will start pulling each other and she will get to know that her princess is with her.
But when she asked me who am I ?

I just want to ask her now that
Where is that mother heart. Why she is not able to know now that  her princess is here . Why ? Just why ?

I'm crying right now but not my eyes. But my heart. Because there is no tears in my eyes left . I had use those tears in my eyes for my mother in past years by imagining that when will my mom will overcome from her trauma that she got from papa death and will start caring for me . But see now she even have to ask me who are you ?
Yes , I'm calling her mom in my heart, in mind but I think I can never say her mom while speaking to her .
Because I can't I can never forgive her  for choosing another man over my papa .
Leave it Yn focus why you come here ? You come here to break every tie with her .


Yn come in her room

By the way Yn room

By the way Yn room

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