Please come back

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An POV 💮


Jisso :- Oh God ! How can we forgot about it . Let's go guys we should go to search her . We should know where is she know .
Taehyung  :- There is no need of that . You forget noona that how she behave with dad . Let her suffer tonight we all know that she is a rich brat . We will bring her home back but not today .We will bring her home back tomorrow.
Suga :- But guys..
Rose' :- Sorry oppa but not today .
Bangpink except Jisso , Suga , Namjoon :- Yes we all agree with Tae .

Somewhere else , someone phone rings

Someone :- Yes , Kevin
Kevin :- Ma'am Mr Kim is trying to fix the meeting with you
Someone :- Ok ! Give them the time of tomorrow of 10 : 00 am
Kevin :- Ok ma'am

Next day 💮

A car stops infront of a big company.
Mr Kim driver open the car door for him and Mr Kim came out the car . And suddenly all the bodyguard surround the Mr Kim for his protection.

 And suddenly all the bodyguard surround the Mr Kim for his protection

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