Chapter 5: Fearsome Womb Part 1

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 "Our windows confirmed a curse womb approximately 3 hours ago." Ijichi explained to Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara as they were outside the detention center. It was raining. "When the evacuation process was 90 percent complete, the decision was made to close off the facility. Currently, 5 inmates are trapped inside the second building of the detention center, Detention Center Building 2. Curse wombs that grow and change shape, like the one inside the building, can be expected to become a curse close to that pf special grade." Worry washed over the faces of Nobara and Megumi upon hearing the cursed spirit is special grade. "Um... excuse me? I still have no idea what a special grade is." Itadori said as Nobara groaned in annoyance. Ijichi sighed. "Alright let me give you an idiots guide..." 

"Yippee!" Itadori celebrated. "If traditional weaponry were used against curses and we measured their effectiveness as a gauge then, Grade 4 cursed spirits would be pretty susceptible to a wooden bat. Grade 3 curses would be dealt with pretty easily with a handgun. To deal damage to a Grade 2 curse, using a shotgun might be your best bet. For Grade 1 curses, even tanks would be useless against them, and as for Special Grade curses, carpet bombing them with a bunch of cluster bombs may work." Ijichi explained. "Woah... that's crazy... and you guys said Sukuna is a special grade?" Said Itadori. "Actually..." Said Megumi, "Sukuna is not a cursed spirit... however his fingers are Special Grade Cursed Objects." Itadori is in awe, Nobara is wondering how he doesn't know all of this already. 

"Anyways, normally a sorcerer will be assigned to a curse of similar grade to themselves so, someone like Gojo would be called in today for example." Said Ijichi. "Oh yeah, and just where is the man himself?" Asked Itadori. "He's on a business trip. He told me it was really important and to not expect a souvenir." Replied Megumi. "To be honest, he's probably not someone who should even be wasting his time at a place like Jujutsu High." added Ijichi. "Our line of work is usually always lacking in manpower, and being overwhelmed by missions is really common. However today it's an extraordinary emergency. DO NOT ENAGE." Ijichi warned the three. "If you are confronted by a special grade, you either run or die. Listen to your fears and worries and do not forget, your mission here is to locate any survivors and nothing more." Ijichi says

"Hey! Excuse me!! Is my son, ok?!" A woman says, trying to get through the police tape while some other suits try to stop her. Itadori has a face of sadness and worry as he watches the poor woman. "What's wrong?" Itadori asks Ijichi. "She came by for a visit with her son when this happened." Ijichi replies moving Itadori behind him. "There's a possibility that a deadly poison has spread inside the facility." Ijichi tells the woman. "I'm afraid I cannot disclose any more information at the moment." The woman has a look of horror, fear, and worry on her face. she eventually starts crying, fearing the worse for her son. Itadori looks at the woman and a look of determination grows on his face. "Fushiguro... Kugisaki..." Itadori says as he cracks his knuckles. Megumi and Nobara look towards him. "We've got to save him!" Nobara responds with "Of course." Megumi doesn't say anything. 

Ijichi then lowers a veil as the three first-years begin to walk towards the entrance to the detention center. "Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." The veil is then lowered over the location, turning the location to night and making a "glop" sound. "Woah! It's turning into night!" Itadori said in awe. That's because of the veil. The residential area is nearby, so it acts as a barrier to hide us from the inside." Megumi explains. Nobara sighs, wondering how again Itadori didn't know what that was already. Megumi then does a hand sign, "DIVINE DOG" the white divine dog is then summoned from the shadows. "If the curse gets close, it'll let us know." Megumi says as Itadori pets it and calls it a good dog. "Let's do this!"

When the three enter the building, they are surprised at what they see. The inside is a mess of different rooms, bridges, budlings, and hallways, wires wrapping around every room, bridge, and wall. Wires hang from the ceiling and the whole atmosphere is dark and creepy. "What the heck is going on here? Isn't this supposed to be a two-story dorm building?" Itadori says shocked and surprised as he looks around. "Calm down Itadori..." Nobara says, kind of worried herself. "It's probably a Maisonette!" Megumi is also worried and nervous as he thinks to himself. "(She's wrong... The original domain expanded due to cursed energy... I've never seen one so big!)" Megumi then snaps out of it as he turns around panicked. "The Door?!" Megumi yells, alerting both Itadori and Nobara and freaking them out. "The door is gone!!" Itadori says panicked. "How?! We just came from there!!" Nobara also says panicked. Meanwhile Megumi holds his divine dog and asking if it's got this.

Itadori and Nobara however have probably gone insane because their dancing in a loop all while repeating the phrase, "What do we do? Hey, hey? What do we do? What do we do?" Megumi then snaps the two back to reality by saying. "Calm down, my divine dog can track the scent of the exit. were fine." Itadori and Nobara then get a look of relief and happiness as they begin showering the divine dog with hugs and pets. "Thats a good dog!" says Itadori. "You get all the beef jerky you want!" Nobara says. "Hey! Stay focused you two!" Megumi says, getting progressively more annoyed. "You're so awesome Fushiguro, Reliable too!" Itadori says which catches Fushiguro off guard. "You've saved a lot of people, including me!" Itadori says with a large smile. Fushiguro looks down before saying, "Let's go."

Thats when Itadori sees something that makes his blood run cold. Three dead bodies. Well actually, can I even describe two of them as bodies anymore? It's like they were smooshed and modeled into gross human meatballs. And the one that did look somewhat normal, was missing his bottom half. Itadori had never seen something like this before. This shook him down to his very core. Megumi had seen sights like this before, so he didn't really show emotion. Nobara was disgusted and kind of freaked out too, but she was not taking it as bad as Itadori. She looked over to him to see how utterly disturbed Itadori was at this sight. "Itadori..." Nobara tried to say but felt it be better to say nothing. "C'mon let's go." Megumi said. Itadori ignored him and walked towards the body missing his lower half. He had a name tag, a name tag that read, Tadashi Okazaki... This was that lady's son...  Itadori was heartbroken. That poor lady's son... had died. "That poor lady..." Itadori mumbled "Itadori! Are you ok?" Nobara said, really worried for Itadori. Megumi said nothing. "Were bringing this one with us. We need to give that lady her son's body." Nobara gasped. "You mean that lady outside crying? That's her son?" Nobara said. "His face... his face isn't too messed up... And... She won't be able to accept her son's death if we don't bring this body back to her..." Itadori said still staring at the body. "But-" Nobara was interrupted by Megumi walking over to Itadori and pulling him by his hood. 

"We have to confirm that the other two are dead. Leave him." Megumi said in his usual neutral expression but with a hint of coldness. "But... every time we turn back, the path is different... How are we going to get back here and retrieve the body...?" Itadori says, turning around to look at Megumi. "I didn't say were coming back. I said leave him." Megumi says. "That guy's not even worth saving alive, so why would I even think about saving his body?" Nobara gasps, shocked at how cold Megumi is being. Itadori then grabs Megumi's collar. "What are you talking about?" Itadori says, frustration building up. "This is a juvenile detention center. We Jujutsu Sorcerors receive all kinds of information about a location before we enter it." Megumi says. "And you'll never guess what I found, Tadashi here, hit and killed a little girl while driving without a license! And that was his second offense!" Itadori gasped. "I know you want to save as many people as possible... and focus on going out in a natural way, but who's to say the people you save, won't go on to kill someone else in the future?!" Megumi says. Anger then takes over Itadori as he then blurts out, "Then why did you bother to save me?!" Fushiguro gasps. "Guys! calm down! This isn't the time or place for-" Nobara is interrupted as she falls down a hole that just materialized. "Kugisaki...?"  Itadori says as he and Megumi stare at the hole in shock. A look of fear and worriedness falls on Megumi's face. "(No! It can't be! My divine dog should have-)" Megumi thinks before turning around and seeing that the divine dog has been slammed into the wall, leaving blood and cracks on it.

"Itadori!! Run!! We have to run!! We'll find Kugisaki later!! We just have to-" Megumi stops talking as a special grade curse spirit appears right next to him and Itadori.

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