Chapter 7: Fearsome Womb Part 3

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What even is a natural death?

"I can do this... I can do this..." Yuji's said. "All I have to do is buy Fushiguro and Kugisaki some time..." As Yuji was saying this, the curse just laughed and laughed, obviously not seeing Yuji as a threat. It then ripped off the loincloth that was around its waist. "What the... What is it doing? Is it making it easier for him to move?" Yuji said. "(That doesn't matter though, my punches have zero effect on him, and I don't know how to use cursed energy. but that doesn't matter, all I need to do is buy some ti-)" Yuji's thoughts were interrupted by the curse unleashing a wave of cursed energy that knocked Yuji into the wall with powerful force. "G-Guh!" Yuji coughed. "(What the-?! A cursed energy barrier?)" Yuji thought just as curse charged right at him and pushed him through the wall with such force. Itadori fell a great distance before slamming on the ground with a loud thud. But the curse wasn't done, it charged its cursed energy to unleash a big, giant, powerful blast.

Yuji's eyes widened and he immediately got up and tried to block the blast with his hands. It wasn't going well; his fingers were getting burned off slowly and painfully. Yuji was grunting in pain; the blast was way too powerful, and his hands and fingers were slowly disintegrating.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, the pain, the pain, the pain, why me!?


If only I hadn't picked up that finger and swallowed it! If only I hadn't! If only! No! Stop! Don't think about it!


Please! No more! I wanna run away!


I don't wanna die! Here? If I die here, would that even be considered a natural death!? If I die here, I won't be able to see... K... K... Kugisaki...?

Yuji blushed before the blast became way too powerful and launched Itadori backwards.

What's going on with me...?

Was I always this weak...?

And... when was Kugisaki my first thought before dying...? 

Yuji was sitting down next to the cracked wall he was launched into. He was half unconscious, extremely injured both physically and mentally. The curse stared at Yuji, smiling like a psychopath and giggling sadistically. "I got ahead of myself." The curse was shocked at Yuji suddenly speaking. "I thought I was strong. At least, strong enough to die on my own terms." Itadori then raised his one hand, the other one he had lost. his fingers were halfway gone, and it was full of blood. "But I was wrong. I'm weak." tears starting to build up in Yuji's eyes and he stood back up. "ARGH!! I DON"T WANNA DIE!! NO! I... I WANT TO SEE KUGISAKI AGAIN!! I WANT TO GET CLOSER TO HER I WANT TO..." Yuji started to wipe his tears with his one hand and arm. "But... But I'm about to..."

"(A natural death... I was too naive.)" Itadori thought. He thought back to what Principal Yaga said about no sorcerer dying without regret. obviously, his main regret was not dying a natural death but... He just couldn't get Kugisaki out of his head. If Yuji died here... He would always regret not getting closer to Kugisaki. He kept thinking about his goal, to die a natural death... how could he even be able to say his death was natural...? Yuji's thoughts then switched to everything he knew about curses and cursed energy at the time. 

"(Curses are a result of the negative energy flowing out of people. In that case... Hatred, fear, and regret... let it all out with this fist!)" Yuji's fist filled with cursed energy, and he released a punch full of curse energy directly at the curses face. The curse blocked it however, grabbing Yuji's fist before it connected with his face. "Dammit!" Yuji cursed. That's when the curse, who is still grabbing his fist, punched Yuji in the stomach before throwing him into a wall. "(No! Get up...! Get up...! You have to buy... Fushiguro... and Kugisaki... some ti....)" Yuji slouched over before collapsing on the ground. Yuji Itadori was now unconscious. The cursed just laughed and laughed.

"Kugisaki wait!!" Megumi yelled, chasing after Nobara who is running at full speed, trying to locate Yuji's location. "How could you just leave him!!?" Nobara screamed. "It was all part of the plan he suggested!! He was gonna wait until we were out of the building and then-"

"And then what?! huh!? sacrifice himself so we could live!!? What the hell were you two thinking!!?" Nobara was almost crying at this point, she thought she made it clear to this idiot to never do anything like this again. He can't die. He just can't. They both continued running through the maze that was this detention center. "Kugisaki! We stand no chance against that curse!! We have to trust Itadori!!" Fushiguro yelled. Nobara stopped in her tracks, turned around and grabbed Megumi's collar. "Itadori doesn't stand a chance either!! What the hell is the matter with you, Fushiguro!!? How could you even entertain this idea!?" Nobara yelled, face red due to the tears falling down her cheeks.

Megumi was about to say something back but didn't. She was right. He wasn't thinking. if Itadori died here, that would be on him. This is all his fault. He got everything all wrong, he can't just stop thinking in situations like this... that's stupid. Megumi would probably not admit this to anyone but... He cares for Itadori so much. Aside from Tsumiki, Itadori is probably humanity at its most pure and kind. If anyone deserves to live more than anything, its Yuji Itadori. "Kugsaki... I'm sorry..." Megumi said. Nobara let go of his collar. "Let's go find Itadori." Nobara smiled. "Yeah. but how? this place is a maze with the curse using his domain." 

"I could use divine dog to-" Before Megumi could finish talking, the domain vanished, turning the inside of the detention center, back to normal. "The domain is gone... that must mean..." Nobara's eyes lit up. "The curse is dead! Itadori exorcised it!" Nobara said as she began running around, searching every room with Megumi right behind her. Eventually they found the room, The place was trashed. Debris was everywhere. walls were cracked and blood was splattered on a lot of the walls. However, in the middle of the room they saw Yuji, hands in his pockets, watching the curse die slowly. "Itadori!" Nobara said running towards him. Megumi however kept his distance... That was not Yuji Itadori. "Kugisaki wait! That's not Itadori! That's-" But Megumi's warning was too late. Nobara's eyes widened in shock and fear as Itadori turned around, markings were all over his face, his eyes were red, and his aura was just plain evil. 

Ryomen Sukuna had incarnated. 

Note: I know that technically Sukuna's markings aren't a real thing that the characters see but, I personally think it would be cool if they could. Thanks for reading! 

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