Head Over Heels

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Christian walked downstairs, finally noticing all the clothes thrown all over the place. How didn't he notice that before? He could save himself from hearing what he just did!!! He would never be able to unhear it...

Suddenly screams could be heard from the upstairs, "AHHHHH! BABY!!! MORE! MORE! BABY! AHHHHH!!!" And that's my cue to go! Christian almost ran from the house, locking the door with his spare key, making sure his mama was safe.

As he walked out the door, he could see his mama's shoes he knew she wore to the hospital. One on either side of the path. He could also spot another pair of familiar shoes. Male shoes. "Hm, papa has the same ones," he thought, not thinking much about it, quickly walking back to his house. He really needed to call Linda ASAP.

"Hello?" Jens answered the phone. "Can I talk to Linda? It's urgent!" said Christian. "Sure..." Jens passed the phone to Linda. "Christian, what's wrong that it's so urgent you must call me to the hospital right after I've just given birth!?!? Is something wrong with mama??? Did something happen to her!?! Christian!!! Talk!!!" she was getting frightened, her emotions still strongly affected by her hormones.

"Nothing... Well, I guess you could say something happened..." he didn't know how to explain. "Christian, spit it out!" "I...." Linda knew her brother, so she tried to be patient. "Is she ok?" "Yes." "Ok. Now what did you have to tell me?" "Well, when I got home after I left the hospital, her car wasn't there, but the light was turned on in her bedroom. I could see her moving around the room through the curtains. I walked to the house and the front door was unlocked, but she wasn't there. I walked upstairs to check on her, she never leaves the door unlocked!" Linda listened carefully. "And then?" "Well, I was about to open the door, but I could hear something from the inside. She wasn't alone Linda. She wasn't alone!!!" "Oh, what did you hear?" "You don't wanna know sis, you don't wanna know..." he shivered, still shocked from what he heard.

"Who was with her Christian..." "I don't know but it must have been a man. Has mama been seeing anyone?" "No... Why, Christian?" "Well... I could hear mama literally begging for more!!! I think they were... at it. Oh no, I think I saw mama naked. Well behind the curtains... but still!!!" "She was actually with someone?" Linda asked surprised. She couldn't believe. She didn't remember when Anna let someone to get close enough for that... "Well, she must really trust him... She wouldn't do it if she didn't." Christian agreed.

"Well sissy, then I walked downstairs and well I guess I wasn't looking before, but I could see all their clothes all around the house. All the way from the top of the stairs, down to the living room and all the way to the front door. Her dress, his trousers, his shirt, .... mama's bra, her... Shit, I just saw both of their underwear!!! I can't unsee that!!!" Linda was in a full-blown fit of giggles by now, this was almost too ridiculous to believe. "I can't unsee this and I can't unhear that!!!" Christian was really all over the place. Confused, excited, frightened, and grossed out at the same time. He couldn't imagine his mama having sex with anyone. He composed enough to continue. "Linda, I could hear her screams even downstairs. And God she screams loud!!! I basically ran out of the house Linda!!!" Linda was laughing so hard that she almost woke little Tilda up. It was almost too ridiculous to believe. "Outside, I could see mama's shoes thrown ridiculously far apart on the lawn and another pair of shoes. They were just like papa's. The brown ones." Silence.

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