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"You're huge!" said Agnetha after she finally let go Frida. "Gee, thanks. Just what I wanted to hear..." they both chuckled. "Well, I couldn't get away with saying that..." said Björn, hugging Frida. "How's the little one doing?" he asked. "This one..." Frida said, patting her baby bump, "this one's been keeping me awake more than you two, but Synni's an angel." They all laughed, sitting on the couch, while Benny decided to finish the little meal Frida prepared.

After they were all full, they moved back into the living room and enjoyed hot chocolate. Just when they were about to head up to sleep a little girl decided to give them a visit. "Mama, hungry miik!" the little toddler slowly walked to her mama, not noticing her uncle and her aunty just yet. "Come here my little bug," said Frida, picking the toddler up and nursing her. They all stayed quiet except Frida as she talked with the little girl. They all hoped she wouldn't notice them just yet. It was the middle of the night and if she noticed Anna and Björn they sure wouldn't be able to make her sleep.

Luckily the little girl quickly fell back asleep, calmed by her mama. Frida took her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed careful not to wake her. She closed the light and returned to the living room, making sure the night light was on.

It was getting really, and I mean really late, and they decided to go to bed. Tomorrow, they will have time to talk. Benny went to his and Frida's room while Frida showed her friends to the bedroom and told them where the bathroom is. They all soon fell into deep sleep; the morning will come soon.

"Morning," said Agnetha as she entered the kitchen. "Morning," said Frida, trying to feed little Synni something other then her milk. "Gimme that!" said Anna, giving Frida a break, she needed to relax a bit.

"So, when are you due? You never told me the date...." she asked, still facing her youngest niece. "Yesterday..." answered Frida. Anna turned around immediately, dropping the jar of baby food on the floor, making Synni giggle.

"Yesterday??!?!?!?! Tell me you're kidding..." "Nope... That's why Benny was worried, leaving me alone..." "And he shouldn't!" Anna was getting mad but then she saw Frida crouching in pain. "Frida?" Frida didn't say anything, but it was soon clear. Her water broke and the baby was coming.

"We need to get you to the hospital!" Agnetha woke the guys up, careful not to wake little Synni. "There's no way we're getting out in this. It's a full-blown snowstorm... This could last for days..." Björn said, Benny just put his hands over his face not knowing what to do.

Right then Synni woke up and wanted her parents. Benny went to her and Björn soon followed, seeing Agnetha's serious look.

"Do you want Benny here?" asked Agnetha, knowing she would be the one to help her deliver. The boys were useless. "Frida shook her head "no". She didn't want him to see her like this, especially since she was doing it alone, with only Anna to help her. She was a 55-year-old woman, and this was already a high-risk pregnancy and now this... She didn't even know if she would survive this... Home birth.

Anna went to fetch some towels and told the boys to just watch over Synni. She'd call them when it was over. She went back to Frida, helping her onto the bed in the guestroom. She checked how ready she was, but she wasn't ready yet, she still had a couple cm to go.

"AHHHHHH!" Frida screamed. Agnetha rushed back into the bedroom. She just went to fetch a glass of water, but she had to turn around. "Are you ready?" Frida just nodded. Anna still checked, but she was right. The baby was ready to come.

"AHHHHH!" Frida screamed as she pushed one last time and the little baby was here, screaming loudly proving just how strong her lungs were. A baby girl.

"Here you go Frid," Agnetha smiled, passing the little girl to her mama, cutting the umbilical cord. "Do you have the name?" Frida nodded. "Ok, I'll call Benny." "And Björn, said Frida, grateful everything went well and that she had her friends too.

"This is Saga Agnetha Andersson," announced Frida, proud of her little daughter. Benny gave her a kiss on her forehead and caressed his youngest daughter's cheek. "My little angel," he smiled, not able to hide the enormity of his emotions and feelings. He and Frida were both in their mid-fifties and still they managed to have two beautiful baby girls. He could barely hold in the tears of happiness. "She was born on 3.2.2001 at 11.36 AM," said Anna, happy to finally see her new niece. She waited nine months for it!

"Will you be her god parents?" asked Frida. "Of course!" Björn and Agnetha answered in unison.

"Hej Synni, meet your little sister," said Agnetha, putting her little niece on the bed right next to Frida so she could see little Saga. "Butifu..." she tried to form her words, kissing her little sister on the forehead. The family enjoyed a quiet day together and it will be like this for a while. In a couple weeks they will finally be able to return to Sweden. They all missed their home.

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