Five years... - Part 1

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A month passed and today... it was a very special day. Today, it was 27.1.2006, and today was little Tilda's 5th birthday... 5 years since Agnetha and Björn were back together. It certainly an important day. Today a little party will be held in the studios and a new ABBA album would be released too. It is a sweet album, together with all their kids (young ... and little less young) and their grandchildren. Anyone who was able to talk was involved.

"Hej," Agnetha yawned, greeting her husband. They barely slept. The twins were keeping them awake. It was a miracle the rest of the kids slept through the night. "Hej," Björn greeted her back with a sweet kiss on the lips. She chuckled into the kiss. She missed this. She missed his child like playfulness. This past month has been hard on them both. The twins woke up nearly every hour and it was great if they got more than 4 hours of sleep per night.

They got up from the bed, tiptoeing out of the bedroom, careful not to wake the twins up. They barely got them back to sleep and they still had a lot of work to do. The door finally closed they breathed a sign of relief. Their youngest little loves were still asleep, and they could do something. They needed to use the time wisely there was a lot of work to do... but as usual they won't get to far without straying from the set path...

"I need you..." Agnetha whispered into her husband's ear seductively. It was barely past 5.00 AM and everyone was still asleep. She pulled her lover into the bathroom furthest away from their bedroom and drew a bath. Björn filled it with bubbles, and both got in, cuddling together, making sure the bathroom door was locked. They really didn't need their little ones barging in. Agnetha turned around and straddled her husband, she could feel his hardness and it was killing her. They couldn't have sex yet! The twins were only a month old... they needed to wait a couple weeks more...

They loved each other, it was impossible to count all the kisses and soft caresses they exchanged. Too soon it was time for them to get out of the bath. The water has gotten cold, and the kids will soon begin to wake up. It was almost 7.00 AM, and the breakfast won't make itself. They got into their bathrobes and into the guest bedroom where they kept some of their clothes. They really had no intention waking their new-born twins.

They prepared a huge breakfast with everyone's favourite things and soon enough the kids came running down the stairs. Frist came little Magnus. The little 4-year-old was as lively as ever and he sure was ready for his food. Not much longer two little girls walked down the stairs. They were much more careful than their brother. Four year old Ingrid helped little Esther walk down the stairs. She was only one year old after all. Her second birthday was still more than a month away!

They ate their breakfast and then it was time to pack. The party in the studios will start at 12.30 PM and after that, they have a plane to catch! They are going on a family vacation! ...With the Anderssons of course! Who'd even question that?

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