Waiting for the sunrise, soul dancing in the dark

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Love reading your comments, thanks for reading. should I put the mature mark on it?

The sunrise was beautiful, and a very happy couple cuddled on a bench by the shore. They woke up bright and early, both too excited to sleep, and came down here to watch the beautiful sunrise. "Maybe I should go..." said Björn. "I'm sure Christian will be up soon, wandering why am i still here..." Anna nodded. Although she didn't want him to leave, she didn't want anyone to know just yet. They still needed to talk... and she desperately needed to talk to Frida...

Björn left a couple hours ago, and she was already feeling lonely. "Hej mama," said Christian. "Hej Christian." "Where's papa?" "He went home last night," she answered, quite concerned hearing him ask that. "Right..." "Mhm." "Well, I must go to work. See you soon mama!" "Be safe, darling," said Anna, kissing his cheek.

What will I do all day?! I need Björn! She was just about to call him when she got a message on her mobile phone. It was Björn.

We could go see Linda... that wouldn't be weird... and then maybe another coffee? Min kärlek just think about it... Björn

She dialled his number, she really didn't wanna text. "Anna?" "Sure, let's go. Pick me up here?" "I'll be there in 20 minutes." "Drive safe."

"Hej, älskling," said Björn, kissing her soft lips as soon as she climbed into the car. "Hej, min kärlek," she answered only separating from him long enough to answer him. »Shall we go?" "Yes, sure. I still have my car there you know," she smiled devilishly at him. "So, we say that if anyone asks," they both chuckled. It was fun sneaking around.

"I'm sure papa slept at mama's tonight," said Christian. "How sure?" asked Linda. "100%! I saw him re-entering through the back door after the taxi left.... And mama seemed sad in the morning... when of course he wasn't there anymore..." "Do you think they had a fight?" asked Linda, not wanting her parents breaking up again, even though they weren't even dating officially. "No when I asked mama, she just said that he left yesterday with the taxi..." They both chuckled. "Well, we'll see what's going on soon. Maybe I should call them to visit Tilda and see how they react when they're both here... Uhhhh! I still can't believe they slept with each other again!!!" "Well, that's a weird thing to say..." "Yes, but it's true..." they chuckled and Christian finally passed Tilda back to his sister. He really needed to go to work now.

A couple minutes after Christian left, there was a knock on the door. "Knock knock". Jens went to open the door and Linda just waited for whoever it was to enter.

"Hej älskling," said Agnetha, making a beeline for Linda, giving her a hug. "Where's my lilla ängel?" she asked for Tilda. Jens quickly passed his young daughter to her mormor. "Hej, baby girl," said Björn, kissing his daughter's forehead, before making his way behind Anna, wanting to see his little granddaughter. After a while of chitchat Anna took pity on him and finally passed him little Tilda, sitting herself beside Linda.

"How have you been darling?" she asked her daughter. "Good, mama. Can't wait to go home!" Agnetha chuckled. "I was the same as you are little one but be patient. It's safer for both Tilda and you to stay a couple more days. You'll be home in no time, you'll see." Tilda just nodded. "So, what's new since I've been in?" "You've only been here for one day Linda..." Björn decided to take this one. "Not much can happen in one day, Lilndi." Linda didn't say anything, but she could see they were indeed hiding something. She smiled to herself. Maybe Christian was right and they really were together together!!!

"The visitor hours are over, so I have to ask you to leave now, you're welcome back tomorrow of course," a nurse came in and Linda was grateful. She could see that her parents wanted to go but didn7t wanna be rude. She could practically see them talking between each other without words. "See you soon mama, papa." They both kissed her on her forehead, giving little Tilda couple more kisses and waving their goodbye.

"So, coffee?" "We don't need coffee," said Anna as she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "Your place or mine, honey?" "Mine." Björn started driving towards Agnetha's house, but soon he could hear Agnetha signing. She was so turned on and by the time they were still more than halfway from her home she couldn't wait anymore. She started rubbing her most sensitive parts with her thumb. She grew more and more hot, and she was drenched by the time Björn noticed her. He was helpless. "Anna, I won't be able to drive like this much longer, look what you do to me." Anna turned to him, her eyes all innocent, even though she knew perfectly well what her little game was doing to him. "Shall we fix that then?" she said seductively, moving her hand to his hardness.

"Keep driving, darling. I'll take care of you," she said in the sweetest voice. And she did. She really took care of him... "I can't take it anymore," he panted as he stopped the car in an abandoned car park. They unbuckled their seatbelts and Agnetha climbed on top of him, straddling him as he pushed the seat as far back as it could go. "I need you," she whispered into his ear, teasing him, pressing her weight on his hardness.

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