But I was careful !!!

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"Fuck!" a woman muttered under her breath. "Well, you did that already..." her best friend giggled. "But I was careful !!!" "You're just too fertile," her friend laughed again. "And you're any better?" the woman countered pointing at the pregnancy test in her best friend's hand. They both giggled and fell back on the bed laughing. Luckily, they were alone, and their husbands were at work. They needed to process the news themselves first.

"How's Lotta?" Anna asked. "Good," Frida answered happily. "Much better than with the twins. This one was much easier on her." They both laughed. It could hardly get any longer than with the twins. "Ok... who wants pancakes?" asked Anna when they entered the little playroom. "Me!" "Me!" "Me" ... came little voices of their children and grandchildren. "Ok, let's go to the kitchen! You can help us cook!" Frida encouraged them. "Mormor, up?" asked little Elsa and Frida happily picked up her little granddaughter. "Come here, little one." "Farmor?" little Maja looked up to her grandmother. Agnetha picked her up and gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek, making the little girl giggle.

Once everyone was downstairs, they could finally start making pancakes. It trully was a full house. There was Frida and Agnetha, Synni, Saga, Oscar and Sigrid, Magnus and Ingrid, Elsa and Maja, and Tilda. Björn and Benny were away on ABBA business for the weekend. Ever since they – ABBA released a new album almost a year ago, the limelight was back on them. It felt like they haven't left, and it was just like being back in time where they were on the top. And once again they were! The album – Return was so successful that people were prepared to pay millions for them to give just one more concert. Maybe in the future... Now they were once again working on another album which will be released in December. It will be called A Christmas Story. This is sure to surprise the fans, and it will definitely be a different album. They were all older now and they were grandparents too. This album was for them and their younger kids.

Linda and Jens weren't home either. They finally married earlier this month and were now in the second week of their honeymoon, leaving little Tilda with her grandparents. Christian and Lotta were in the hospital. Thy just welcomed their little boy earlier today.

"Mama, what day is it today?" asked a 4-year-old Synni. "It's Saturday, baby." "No, what day... date is it?" Synni corrected herself. "It's 30.8.2003, honey," Frida answered her little one. "That means my birthday's less than 4 months away..." the little girl giggled. "That means I'm more than 4,5... I'm almost 5!" she exclaimed. Frida and Anna chuckled at her excitement.

"How old am I?" asked little Saga. "And me?" added little Tilda. "And me?" all the kids wanted their mamas/grandmothers to answer. "Ok, ok. Everyone calm down and I will tell you," said Agnetha while Frida started making the pancakes. They had lots of little mouths to feed.

"Let's start with the eldest and move to the youngest," Agnetha smiled at the little ones and caressed little Maja's hair. Until today, she has been the baby of the family since March 2002. So, a 1year and 5 months. "I'll write it down and you can practice reading. Ok Synni?" Synni nodded excitedly. Like her mama, she loved reading.

Synni Eva Andersson (25.12.1998)  4 years 8 months

Tilda Eliza Frida Ulvaeus (27.1.2001)  2 years 7 months

Saga Agnetha Andersson (3.2.2001)  2 years 6 months (almost 2 years 7 months)

Magnus Ingvar Ulvaeus (17.10.2001)  1 year 10 months (22 months)

Ingrid Anni-Frid Ulvaeus (17.10.2001)  1 year 10 months (22 months)

Oscar Göran Andersson (15.11.2001)  1 year 9 months (21 months)

Sigrid Åse Andersson (15.11.2001)  1 year 9 months (21 months)

Elsa Anna Ulvaeus (4.3.2002)  1 year 5 months (17 months)

Maja Frida Ulvaeus (4.3.2002)  1 year 5 months (17 months)

Synni read what Anna wrote and everybody listened carefully. They were all getting so big! "Ok, who wants pancakes?" Frida asked, serving them each their portions. The kids enjoyed the dinner and were behaving better than you'd expect for two women in their fifties (53 and 57 – almost 58 years old). They bathed the little ones and put them to bed. The day was busy, and the little ones were tired too. Quickly falling in deep sleep.

"Ok... so let's talk about..." Agnetha just waved around with the positive pregnancy test and threw Frida her own. "You'd hope to be menopausal by now, huh?" Anna chuckled. Frida just gave her a serious look. "Anna... I'll be 58 once this baby is born... I don't know if I can do this..." "Of course, you can... we both can..." they laughed again. It was just their luck to get pregnant again.

"We need to tell the boys!" they both burst into laughter. They were killing their husbands with this... now wasn't the best time either. They had an album to finish by December.

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