Penelope's POV

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The train took us to L.A wich is really cool because I have never been there. I think Mike is from L.A but I'm not sure . We started searching the town and we found ourselves in a square. The people there were dancing to some music that was really cool. The only thing is that when the songs stopped they continued dancing without the music. It was a bit weird but really beautiful too. { Mike offered me a hand and said { want to dance for a bit ?} I said yes and we went. Cas and Lucas went a while after us and they seemed like they were having fun . After some songs we decided that it was time to go . We went near the ohters but it was like they couldn't see of hear us . They had stopped dancing and were looking around. Their eyes were grey and they seemed scared. The music had stopped completely and the gost-people were looking at us . { You shouldn't be able to sssse them } one of them said { they will be trapped dancing with us forever now} another said . { What's happening to them? } I asked the gost-people.{ It's really easy to understand. They started dancing and because of that they have now been trapped here dancing with is for eternity.} Another said.{ And hypothetically how do we get the spell of?} Mike asked { We won't do anything about it don't worry} he lied. { You have to get them to the other square which is 3 blocks left.} An old one said . { Okey } I said { do you want to play a game? } I aksed them while backing to cas and lucas. They were holding hands because apparently they could see only eachother. {YESSSS} they all shouted. { We are going yo play find us without opening your eyes. We will go to the left and you have ti find us left Okey?} Mike said . {Okey } they all said { now close your eyes, count to 50 and try to find us . I remind you we will be left} they closed their eyes and we took Cassandra's and Lucas's hands that were free and started running to the left out of the square. Thang the gods that these things were stupid otherwise we would be dead by now . We were at the ohter square and we were all sitting at a bench. The others were shooken up bu what happened and when we ashed them what thwy saw they didn't say a single word they just looked at each other and went back to staring at the kids whi were playing at the playground a few meters away from us . They were glued to each other still holding hands. { Well that was creepy} Mike commented. At that moment Cassie started to question why she gets in the mess with the demigods and why she became the goddess of them . Lucas was just staring to be fine and he was laughing at the thing that cas was saying. We were laughing to they were really funny. Suddenly she got up and said { We don't have timw for this nonsense we have to find the crown or whatever. When did Nemesis have a crown ??} She said that started walking with us behind her and started to think. { She must have gotten it from someone but from who ? She never had one of her own or one made for her.} She said { maybe she has one and you don't onow about it??} Mike suggested.{ No that can't be it . Something's fishy here and I dont like it...

Ps the picture is with Cassandra and Lucas dancing.

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