New Recruits and Hua's Brother??

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After a long night sleep Hua awoke to the sound men arriving into camp. Hua exited her tent only to be grabbed by Chi-Fu. "What are you doing here? This place is for men only" Chi-Fu said smugly to Hua as she was dragged into Shang's tent. "General Li, I found this woman in camp shall I remove her Sir?" Chi-Fu asked the General as he is in command of the Imperial Army. General Li and Shang looked up from their breakfast, only to be shocked seeing Hua being manhandled by Chi-Fu. General Li and Shang stood up and approached Hua and Chi-Fu with scowls on their faces. "Chi-Fu, release Fa Hua immediately" General Li ordered Chi-Fu to do without hesitation. Chi-Fu released Hua, but as his grip loosened Hua fell forward bracing to hit the ground, when Shang stepped forward and caught Hua before she hit the ground. "Thank you Shang" Hua said to Shang relived that she is with friends. "Why is she here General?"  Chi-Fu asked afraid that he would be punched by either the General or Shang. General Li said "Hua is here by the request of the Emperor and that is all you need to know Chi-Fu.". Chi-Fu  was in shock that he was not made aware of this before hand so he bowed to the General and left the tent. Hua was in shock that this man would be so rude and creepy at the same time. 

"Are you alright Hua?" Shang asked Hua after Chi-Fu left the tent, Shang was worried about Hua as she is his best friend's future wife. General Li was disgusted at Chi-Fu's attitude towards Hua and women in general. "Hua, I'm sorry about Chi-Fu, he should not have talk about you like that or put his hands on you as well." General Li said to Hua ashamed that Chi-Fu calls himself a man. "It's alright General Li and Shang. This isn't the first time that that Chi-Fu has given me the creeps. Just yesterday when he came to my village to deliver the conscription notices to the men after an intendent between my twin sister and him he looked at me with a hungry look." Hua told General Li and Shang who looked at her in shock horror. "Hua, no one should look at you that way. No decent man would look at a woman, like Chi-Fu looked at you, it is dishonorable." General Li said to Hua. "Hua, if you want you can come to me at any time day or night, if anything happens with Chi-Fu. I will protect you Hua from him don't worry and Jun will freak when he finds out about this dilemma" Shang said to Hua. "Thank you Shang, now lets have breakfast." Hua said to Shang and General Li, smiling as Shang handed her a bowl of rice.

After breakfast, Shang and General Li pulled out a map and placed markers where the Huns have struck. Hua was sitting to the side when Chi-Fu walked into the tent. "The Huns have struck here, here and here. I will take the main troops up to Tung Shao Pass and stop Shang-Yu before he destroys this village." General Li said while motioning to the map with his pointer. "Excellent strategy, Sir. I do love surprises" Chi-Fu laughed with praise. "You will stay here and train the new recruits. When Chi-Fu believes you're ready, you will join us, Captain." General Li said to Shang while handing him a sword. "Captain?" Shang said and looked at Hua who smiled at him showing her support. Chi-Fu was shocked and said "Oh, this is an enormous responsibility, General. Uh, perhaps a soldier with more experience.".

General Li leaned back and stroke his chin smugly and said "Number one in his class, extensive knowledge of training techniques, an impressive military lineage. I believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.". "Oh, I will. I won't let you down." Shang said excitedly. "This is. I mean. I" Shang started to say and then said somberly "Yes sir." General Li then stood up saying "Very good then. We'll toast China's victory at the Imperial City." General Li turned to Chi-Fu and said "I expect a full report in three weeks." General Li turned to Hua and said "I hope to see you again Fa Hua, maybe in the Imperial City." General Li opened the tent and left to mount his horse. Chi-Fu then turned to leave and said to Shang "And I won't leave anything out." and left the tent. Shang turned to Hua and said with a smile while tying his sword to his uniform "Captain Li Shang, leader of China's finest troops. No the greatest troops of all time." Hua smiled towards Shang and said "Come on Captain, lets meet your greatest troops of all time." Shang and Hua looked at each other and laughed while exiting the tent.

" Shang and Hua looked at each other and laughed while exiting the tent

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(Fight between all recruits but Jun)

After exiting the tent Hua, Shang, General Li and Chi-Fu see the  recruits fighting each other. An injured recruit stepped in front of the group, saw the General and salutes him before fainting. General Li stepped over the injured recruit while Chi-Fu said "Most impressive.". General Li mounted his horse and said "Good luck Captain" and rode off with his mounted troops. "Good luck father" Shang said, then looked at his troops and sighed. Hua saw Chi-Fu smirking, with his brush and board in hand and stated "Day One!". Shang took a breath and shouted "SOLDIERS", while Hua was looking for Jun and saw him coming out of his tent, relived that he was not among the fighting recruits. The rest of the recruits backed away from a soldier who was crouched down protecting his head and said in sync "He started it.". 

Shang approaches the soldier and looks down over him, while the soldier looks up at Shang, Hua thought that the soldier looked familiar for some reason. "I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp" Shang stated to the soldier. The soldier then rambled his apologies and went off topic until Shang asked "What's your name?". Hua saw the soldier stumble over the easiest question in the world  and held back a laugh. Chi-Fu grew annoyed and stated "Your commanding officer just asked you a question.". After a couple of stumbles the soldier stated that his name is Ping. Shang then asked Ping "Let me see your conscription notice" Shang took the notice from Ping and reads "Fa Zhou, the Fa Zhou." While Chi-Fu looked and the notice and said "I didn't know Fa Zhou had a son". Hua then looked at the man closely as she knew she only had a twin sister. After a failed loogie, Chi-Fu said "I can see why, the boy's an absolute lunatic.". Shang then looked over at Hua and saw confusion on her face. "Okay, gentlemen, thanks to your new friend Ping, you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice. And tomorrow, the real work begins" Shang said to the recruits while they growled at Ping.

Shang lead Hua back into his tent, after asking Chi-Fu to oversee the punishment and to send recruit Jun in to talk with them as Jun was his cousin. When Jun walked into the tent they closed it up and talked about what happened with Ping. "Hua I didn't know you had a brother" Jun said to Hua, while looked at Hua wondering if she truly knew about Ping. Hua took a breath and said to both Shang and Jun "I don't have a brother, only a sister.". Shang asked Hua "If Ping isn't your brother, how did he get your father's conscription notice Hua?". The only answer that Hua could come up with is that her sister Mulan is Ping and she was about to do something crazy by being here. Hua turned to Shang and Jun and said "I think Ping is my Twin Sister Mulan and she came here to stop our injured father from coming himself.". Hua looked at both Shang and Jun and begged "Please don't reveal her yet. Just let her try training and if she doesn't improve then send her packing please." Shang looked at Jun and said "Okay, if she can't make it through training, she goes home Hua"  Hua hopes that Mulan doesn't make it through training for her own sake.         

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