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(You're 11 weeks pregnant)

 You were walking through the crowd, happily munching on your jar of pickles whilst holding your bag of pastry, which was gladly paid by Katsumi.

 Why were you with four attractive men in the middle of the night, satisfying all your food cravings? It was those typical pregnancy cravings, and these men took the chance to demonstrate their ability to take care of you.

 You were even given some stuff from Katusmi's students and adoptive mother, who seemed excited that her adoptive son had his attention on something other than karate and fighting.

The city was alive with the constant buzz of conversation, the distant rumble of engines, and the irresistible, mouth-watering scents wafting from the food stalls.

 As darkness fell, the cityscape came to life with a mesmerising display of twinkling lights, casting a radiant glow that painted the night sky in a mesmerising tapestry of colours.

The atmosphere in the company of the boys was pleasant, and even though there was a lively debate about who would cover the expenses, it didn't escalate into a physical altercation.

 You decided to stay on the sidelines with Retsu, and it was him who kindly ended up paying for your pickles, whilst the others argued. Ever since they found out about your pregnancy they have been very involved in you daily.

You could barely breathe, they always insist on carrying even the smallest thing because "they didn't want to strain you and the baby". It's both cute but very very annoying and you were only 10 weeks in!

Sadly, you guys got separated from the boys, but you didn't worry much, because they would find you sooner or later by the food stalls. 

Your eyes wandered around, this view of the busy street of Japan, but you got a little overwhelmed so you went to stand near an alleyway to calm down your anxiety.

'You're okay, they'll find you soon enough.' You sat there, mind wandering as you absentmindedly devoured the pickles sitting on your lap.

 Oblivious to your surroundings, you failed to notice the colossal figure standing right behind you, until a hand landed gently on your shoulder, sending a jolt through you and wrenching you out of your thoughts. A familiar voice broke the silence. "Excuse me." You turned, and were met with the imposing sight of Karou Hanayama, towering over you. You stammered an apology, trying to move out of his way, but then you caught sight of the blood seeping from his arm.

"Y-You're hurt." You said unconsciously grabbing his arm and putting your treats in your very bag, kindly gifted to you by Doppo's wife, and taking out a small first aid kit for when one of the idiots gets hurt. And you started to disinfect and wrap his 'wounds'.

Hanayama stood there, stunned by your unwavering concern despite his attempts to downplay his injuries. There was something about the way you grabbed hold of his arm, a gentle firmness that belied the strength behind your touch, that made him hesitate.

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