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Ok, so let me tell you who I am. My name is Indigo and I surf, like a lot. I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes and I'm 17 (so I can drive). Ok now back to the story.

I was surfing just of the coast of San Mateo with my best friends jade, emmy, and Marcus. The waves were calm so we couldn't really surf. we all just sat on our boards waiting for waves.

I Finally saw a wave. A wave just big enough for me to surf. I looked at each of them, we all started to paddle. I pulled ahead and stood up. Marcus, Emmy, and jade all dive under to wait for another wave. I smirk and ride down the wave.

I jump down into the crystal blue water. I reach the surface and grab my bored and jump up. I paddle over to the others and sit and wait.

"You guys missed out on so much, it was like A 50 foot wave!" I smirk.

"Ya, sure we did," said Emmy raising one eyebrow and shoving. I laugh at her and push her back just hard enough to make her fall in. I laugh so hard I fall right into the water.

"Karma!" Yells Emmy scrunching her nose at me.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. I start to paddle to the shore since we've been here since sun rise and I was starving. everyone starts to follow. when I reached the shore I run back to my dads old ford truck. I know it's not much but hey I'm getting a new car soon so. also it helps carry all the boards so whatever.

I take the ankle strap off (A/N I don't know what it's called but you strap it around your ankle so comment if you know😂) and throw my board in the back and hop in the front. Emmy was the first in the passenger seat so that means Marcus and jade have to sit in the tale gate of the truck.

"Ha sucks for you!" Smirks Emmy sticking her middle finger up.

"Whatever, I didn't even know you run that fast," Marcus spat rolling his eyes. I laugh and yell at them to get in the back. as we start to get off the beach Emmy blast the radio and shut up and dance was on. we all start to sing our heads off. people were looking at us like we were crazy but we just laughed.

"SHUT UP AND DANCE!" Yelled Emmy at the top of her lungs. I laughed Turned the radio down and yelled back at jade and Marcus.

"Hey bootyholes, where do you want to eat?" I asked looking back at them. they turned around and answered Jeff's. I nodded and drove down the road. ok so let me explain, jeff's is a little diner where we mostly eat lunch and breakfast and get ice cream. We walk in and Sat in the swivel chairs at the counter. I looked around to try and find Jeff who was no where insight. I was staring to get paranoid, when Jeff walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey guys, how where the waves this morning?" Asks Jeff the owner.

"Ehh, they sucked," I said spinning around.

"Well then, what do you guy want?"asks Jeff. I scan the menu to see what else there is but put it down and wait for the others to order. I just order my normal which includes; pancakes and a vanilla milkshake. I sit and wait for my food until someone walks in. I turn my head and freeze. "crap, it's Matt!" I thought. he comes and sits next to me. jade who is sitting next to me, nudges me and smirks. She knows I've had a crush on Matt since 8th grade. I glare at her and she laughs.

"Hey indigo," says Matt.

"Hey, Matt," I say coolly even though I'm screaming inside. "ok indigo calm down just act like its Marcus or something." I think in my head. I mentally laugh at my self, "wow indie wow." I just nod my head and smile at him. he smiles back and my food arrives.
I literally start to inhale my pancakes when I look up to see Matt staring. I blush and he sees. I immediately stop eating and start chocking.

"that's it Indie make your self look like a idiot." I meanly slap my self and take a drink of my milkshake. I look up again and see Matt laughing so hard his face turns red.

"Um, I just like died and all you do is laugh?!" I say glaring at him.

He immediately stops, "gees, sorry!" He throws his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. I smirk and continue eating.

"Nice one indie, you won that one." I thought smiling. Emmy looks at me and raises a eyebrow. I gave her the "oh, shut up" look and shove my plate in front of me. I turn to Matt. he looks down at me and back at his food. oh did I mention that I'm really short only like 5'4. It sucks.

"So Matt, did you go surfing lately?" I ask awkwardly.

"Ya, the waves sucks hopefully a storm will come soon or something." he shrugs. "ugh, this is a waste of my time, he'll never like me." I thought to my self and turned to face the others. Jade looks at me with a concerted look and I just shrug.

"What's wrong?" She whispers.

"Nothing j," I say letting her know I will tell her later. she turns back to her food and continues eating.

I sit in silence until everyone finishes.

"Bye Matt!" I say while standing up. he waves and stands up too. he starts to walk over to where we are all standing. I look at jade with the help me look. He brushed past me and walks out the door.

"Ha, you didn't realize we were by the door did you!" Jade laughs. cause Marcus and Emmy to look over. I fell my cheeks turn red.

"Don't judge, you hater," I shot sticking my middle finger up at her. She throws her hands up in the air retreating. I smirk knowing I won the battle. just for that I mentally oat my self on the back.
After I drop Emmy and Marcus off at their house, jade and I head back to my house.

"So what's wrong?" Jade asks remembering what I told her earlier. I sigh looking at her and then back at the road.

"I.... I just feel like I'm wasting my time with Matt," I sigh. "I mean are guys just a waste of time anyways?"

"Well Ya, pretty much," shrugs jade chuckling to her self. I just look at her and smile. I continue driving in silence until we reach my house. I pull up into the drive way and hop out of the car. Jade jumps out of the passenger seat and walks with me to the front door. I get my keys and unlock the door to find my brother sprawled along the couch with the TV on. He's asleep on the couch. I look at jade and give her a look. she knew exactly what I was thinking. I walked over to the couch.

"Zach wake up!" I yelled into his ear. he shot up and looked around. jade and j laugh so hard we both fall to the floor. I glares at me and throws a pillow at my face. I fall back and act like he hurt me.

"Omg Zach, I think you broke my nose!" I "wince in pain". he runs over and looks at me.

"Ugh, indigo your such a lair," he stammers and walks back to the couch.

"But you believed me didn't you?" I smirk.

"Whatever," he says denying it. I laugh and head up stairs with jade following me. I open my door and jump in my bed. since my parents aren't home, jade and I sit on my bed having a Netflix marathon. around 2 in the morning I start to drift off to sleep to the sound of mean girls 2. I looked at jade who was sprawled across her back. I laughed and thought she only fell asleep during mean girls 1. another marathon tomorrow great. she though and drifted off to sleep.

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