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We stopped by Marcia's house. I looked over at Cherry with a pleading look as she honked her horn. "Cherry, cmon you know Marcia doesn't like me!" I whispered to her.

"Oh come on, it's not so bad, it's not like you'll have to sit by her! We're picking up with Bob and Randy, so I'm sure her and Randy will be preoccupied with each other." She smirked as Marcia ran out of her house with the smile, but immediately dropped it as she saw me.

"Hop in the back Marcia, Bob and Randy are gonna squeeze in back there with you." Cherry ordered. Marcia immediately brought her smile back and nodded her head to agree with Cher.

I didn't agree to this. I didn't want to fifth wheel all these people. I just wanted to hang out with Cherry. She's always been a little bit of a fake friend to me but why didn't she tell me?

Bob and Randy hopped into the car next, Bob reeking of beer. Cherry was upset, she was telling him off, but I stopped paying attention and just looked at the scenery as we drove to the theater.

"Damn, our sides closed. Guess we'll have to deal with some greasers." Cherry announced as we pulled up. I looked up and sure enough the "soc" side of the drive in was closed.

Bob and Randy started to snicker in the back. I rolled my eyes. They loved starting fights and jumping greasers for no reason. I hated it, they didn't deserve it ever.

Cherry payed for us all and pulled into a spot. Not even 30 minutes into the movie, Marcia and Randy were chatting with each other, and Bob and Cherry and been wanting to as well. Cherry was too nice to tell me to move, Bob wasn't.

Bob tapped on my shoulder. "Beat it, kid." He said sternly. I sighed and got out of the car, slamming the door.

I thought about leaving, but I wasn't going to let them ruin my night of going out, plus I didn't really wanna walk home. I went and sat in the seats alone.

Soon after I heard some boys sit behind me. I didn't really care, but there were so many seats around me, I wasn't sure why they had to sit directly behind me.

I heard 3 voices at first, talking to each other. Then I heard one whispering in my ear. I was unfortunately familiar with that voice.

"Why are you here all on your lonesome doll?" Dallas Winston snickered into my ear. I ignored him.

"I've seen you around, what's your name, it's like August or something right?" He continued on.

"June." I answered back, still facing forward. He chuckled. "Well, June, why don't you come with me after this shitty movie and we can have our own recreational activities?" He asked in my ear.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I was about to defend myself, but one of the three voices said something before me.

"Cmon' Dal, leave her alone alright?" A familiar voice sounded. I didn't turn my head around, I still faced forward. I would repay my thanks later.

Dallas must have got mad at whoever defended me, because he angrily stood up and stomped away.

Now that I knew he was gone, I slightly turned my head to the right to see who it was. Sodapop Curtis and two other kids sat with him, I had seen one of them at school before I think.

"Thank yall." I said with a small shy smile. "You're welcome." Sodapop said. I should have known it was him. I knew his voice because Cherry would drag me to the DX with her friends to drool over him.

They thought he was the handsome-est boy in town. I didn't think he was special or anything. Not in a bad way, I just wasn't really crazy for the way boys looked.

"Dal can just be that way towards nice girls sometimes. If you knew him besides that, he's a better person." Sodapop stated. I gave him a small smile and turned back around.

After the movie, I went back to get my ride home. I got to the drive-in lot where all the cars were, but I couldn't find Cherry's car anywhere.

No way they seriously just forgot me. I really didn't want to walk home, but I didn't see myself having any other options.

I wrapped my cardigan around my arms. My skirt was to my knees, unfortunately I wish it was longer. Even if that would have been extremely ugly.

I walked on the empty street alone. I was shivering. Gosh, I really didn't know it was going to be so cold tonight, otherwise I would have worn something way different.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps running towards me from behind. I turned around, thinking someone was going to attack me or something.

It was Sodapop? He was running towards me with a smile. "Hey why are you walking alone?" He asked concerned.

I stood in the street waiting for him to catch up before turning around and walking again. "My friends left me here, I came with them, but they kicked me out of the car in the middle of the movie. I thought they'd still be here for me at the end to take me home." I answered, my teeth chattering.

He was obviously cold too, he was rubbing his hands and blowing into them for warmth. "Well, I'll walk you home. A girl shouldn't have'ta walk home alone at night." He said with a small smile.

"Thank you Sodapop." I said, looking down at the ground. All of a sudden, he wrapped his heavy jacket around me. I turned to him, trying to take it off.

"No, please, take it. You're obviously colder than me, I promise it's okay." He said with a laugh. "Are you sure? It's like 30 degrees out here! You're gonna get sick!" I said worried.

"Why does a soc like you care about a greaser getting sick? That's somethin new." He said with a chuckle.

"Greaser or Soc, everyone gets sick. I don't agree with all that stuff just so you know. Obviously it doesn't even do me any good being a soc." I referred to Cherry and the other three leaving me at the drive-in.

"Yeah well, that's just life around here. Atleast until you're all grown up and you're borin and old." He said.

When we arrived at my house, I climbed up the old fence material that was built on the side of the house for ivy to grow and whatnot. I didn't want my father to know why I was home a lot later, if he was even up.

I opened my window and climbed inside. I then realized I still had Soda's jacket on. I peered outside to see him standing there with his arms folded looking up at me.

"You want me to throw your jacket down?" I yelled as quietly as possible. "Nah, I was just making sure you got inside alright. Just return it to me tomorrow yeah?" He asked quietly.

I nodded my head and smiled. He ran off into the cold night. That whole interaction just felt like a fever dream, but it was definitely nice to have an extra layer and someone to talk to on the way home.

But boy, Cherry was sure gonna have a piece of my mind when she picked me up for school in the morning.

June (discontinued until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now