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As I walked in my pink blouse and jean shorts with the group of greasers, I soon realized my mistake.

Maybe it wasn't a mistake, it was probably just the fact I forgot to take my anxiety medicine before I left, and I was walking around town with a group of boys I had literally never talked to before.

No seriously. I hadn't ever talked to Sodapop one on one before he walked me home. And I only knew who Dallas was because everyone knows him for being a criminal, and also the thing he has for a new girl every business day.

I figured if I slowed my pace, they would all just walk in front of me and continue on without me, and I could go home and take my medicine before I over thought this too much and had a panic attack.

Over time, I slowed my pace. Eventually everyone was in front of me. My plan had worked. But then I realized someone else was still walking next to me, matching my pace.


"I understand if you don't want to hang out with us, you were just being nice right?" He asked flatly. "Oh no Sodapop I promise it's not that at all. I know that's how Sherry is, she can be awfully two faced. I just have other things.. going on that can make it.. hard for me to be with people I've never talked to before." I explained to him.

"Well what do you mean June?" He asked concerned. I had stopped walking at this point. I crossed my arms and stared at him. I know I just met him but looking at him, he just felt like someone you could trust with your life.

"I.. you have to promise not to tell anyone because it could seriously get me sent to a bad place okay?" I asked him seriously. "Well sure June, of course." He responded back in the same serious manner.

"I have some mental health problems? I've got anxiety real bad and depression. I have medicine for it, but I forgot to take my anxiety pill this morning so I'm just a little.. I don't know.. jambly is all." I said nervously.

He looked at me with a soft smile. "I don't think jambly is a word." He said with a laugh. "You want me to walk you home so you can take your medicine?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Nah, how about you buy a nice girl like me a milkshake at the Dingo?" I asked with a grin. "Sounds good to me." He said while taking my wrist so we could hurriedly sneak away from the other boys if they happened to turn around.


"Maybe one day, you'll be able to buy Mickey Mouse and have him again, I believe in that." I said while taking a sip on the milkshake Sodapop had ordered us to share.

"Yeah, maybe one day I will. I loved that horse an awful lot." He said, becoming a little sad.

I tried to brighten the mood. "Yeah, but Mickey Mouse? Who names a huge giant animal Mickey Mouse?" I said with a giggle.

He smiled and giggled back. "Look I was young, cut some slack man."

Our shared happiness was then ended by the sight of Bob and Randy walking in and spotting me, then looking over at Sodapop. A sly grin fell onto Bob's face, much like the one that Dallas had a few hours ago.

"Well well well, who do we have here? June Buckley, the cheerleader, Cherry's little follower, with Coca Cola Curtis!" Bob announced as he walked over.

"Oh sorry did I get your name wrong? No? Didn't think so. June, how do you think Cherry would feel that you ditched her today for this grease? She's sitting in the car right now, shall I get her?" Bob said, announcing this information to basically the whole diner.

"N-no Bob. Just leave us alone please. We didn't do anything just leave us alone." I pleaded while looking back down at the table.

"Yeah I'm not surprised. Ever since your mom was found face down in a ditch, you've just stopped standing up for yourself huh?" Bob said with a laugh.

This enraged Sodapop, for some reason. He stood up and got in Bob's face. Before he could say anything or do anything he might regret, I grabbed his wrist and ran out of the Dingo with tears in my eyes.

Why would Bob ever say anything like that about my mom?

We got outside and I let go of his wrist and just started walking. Sodapop followed. Sherry must have seen us from the car Bob said she was in and ran up to me.

"June why are you with him?" She asked with a fake smile.

"Sherry Valance you shut your trap and leave me alone alright? Bob has known me for how long and he still says stuff about my mom that upsets me, I've talked to Sodapop for an hour and he actually takes interest in what I have to say, you never have! I don't want your input on who I'm hanging out with okay!" I screamed at her, tears running down my face.

It felt so good to get out, but at the same time, she was my only friend and the thought of this situation made my stomach twist into knots.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out. I turned around and started running. I don't know where to,  but I was just running. Next thing I know, Sodapop grabs my hand.

"Cmon June slow down, I ain't that fast." Sodapop pleaded.

I was so confused. I just fully met him, we've hung out for maybe four hours total in the past two days, and yet he cared so much and for what?

I stopped running. My thoughts were going insane. I just wanted to be home in bed, I missed my mom, and I probably just lost the only friend I had even if she wasn't really my friend.

Oh and not to mention the fact I was standing in the middle of an empty street sobbing in front of a greaser.

In that moment my father seemed right. Maybe I really was the worst, most embarrassing, and pathetic daughter he could had.

It was so stupid for me to be crying over the most pointless things. Gosh I bet I looked awfully stupid right now. There was no need to get worked up over some stupid comment about my mom.

But still why would Bob ever say that.

I stopped crying and looked up from the ground. "I'm sorry for being a bother. Thank you for everything, I oughta head home now." I said quickly and started speed walking towards my house.

I looked behind me and Sodapop stood in the middle of the street, just watching me walk away with his mouth agape.

June (discontinued until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now