The Night of Nightmare Finn

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~Serial Designation 092/Finn's POV~

It's been over a week since Sunset Shimmer disappeared into the Crystal Mirror, leaving Princess Celestia and I to clean up her mess and find a new pupil and study partner. Over a week since I displayed a portion of my own power and saved Princess Celestia from Shimmer's rage. I've managed to have some control over my power to perform simple telekinesis and minor deconstruction, such as building puzzles.

Princess Celestia has been looking over the fillies and colts of the School for Gifted Unicorns, and so far, not many have shown incredible magical potential that Princess Celestia wishes to teach and guide. Those that did qualify took one look at me and immediately declined Princess Celestia's offer, much to our confusion.

My best guess is that somepony has been spreading rumors and gossip about me being either incredibly dangerous and evil, or being someone who hogs the spotlight for herself, which neither is the case. Well... I'm not sure about being dangerous, but evil and having a huge ego are not in my forte.

These gossip and rumors have even broken my friendships with Lyra, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Moondancer and Twinkleshine. They've grown so afraid of me that they've forgotten all about me and spaced me completely. I feel so alone and depressed.

And, as luck would have it, next week is Nightmare Night. The time of the night where fillies and colts, mares and stallions alike dress up in crazy and creative costumes and celebrate the legend of Nightmare Moon with candy and spooky stories.

Princess Celestia announced that on the day of Nightmare Night, she would take a small amount of foals camping in the edges of the Everfree Forest, which everypony was excited to sign up.

"This is amazing, Finn. Almost every foal in the school has applied for this trip." Princess Celestia smiled, as she entered the throne room, using her telekinetic magic to carry a few sheets of paper in front of her face, as she read them.

"Я знаю, что тоже собираюсь в эту поездку, но не вызовет ли это напряжения? (I know that I'm coming to this trip as well, but won't that cause tension?)" I asked cautiously.

Princess Celestia looked at me in concern. She has heard the rumors that have ruined my reputation. But she regained her smile and assured, "I'm sure they'll be just fine. And if anything goes wrong, I'll be able to help."

I gave her a small smile and nodded with small confidence. During the next few days, I attended lessons and, during the night, packed up what I needed for the trip and planned for my Nightmare Night costume. I was stuck between either a witch or a vampire. Both are cool and creative... Hmm... I'm gonna go with vampire.

Eventually, the day of the camping trip came and I had everything I needed packed and changed into my Nightmare Night costume. Princess Celestia and I met up with the other foals at the train station. The foals were dressed up in their Nightmare Night costumes, and packed for the trip too. We took the Friendship Express to a well-built and old-fashioned train station, that lead to a town called Ponyville, and made our way to an empty clearing just within the edge of the forest.

Using their magical skills, a light green colt and a pale blue filly gathered firewood and started a fire, giving the group some light and warmth for the cold autumn night.

"Well done, Firestone and Cedar Twig." Princess Celestia smiled with a nod, then used her telekinetic magic to levitate a clipboard and pencil, "Now, it's time for roll-call. *Ahem* Firestone?"

"Here!" The light green colt, dressed as a scarecrow, raised his hoof.

"Cedar Twig?"

"Here!" The pale blue filly, dressed as a female pirate, raised her hoof.

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