Ponyville: New Home, New Faces

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~Serial Designation 092/Finn's POV~

I sat on the seat in silence, trying to avoid conversation and interaction with other ponies and foals that passed by me in the cart of the Friendship Express.

I already packed my things and said my good-byes to everyone I knew in Canterlot, but some of them were still ghosting me. I guess they were still afraid of me after what happened at Nightmare Night. I can't say I blame them, but Lyra, Spike and Cinnamon Sticks were really upset about me leaving, and Cheshire Grin was more than happy to see me go.

I let out a sigh and looked out the window, as the Friendship Express circled around the Everfree Forest and the conductor entered the cart to call in a loud and clear voice, "Next stop: Ponyville. Last call for Ponyville. ETA: 5 minutes."

I watched the conductor trot to the other end of the cart and exit the cart. I looked out the window, but caught a glimpse of my reflection. My right eye glitched into the AbsoluteSolver symbol, but I caught it and covered it before it could crack the window and cause any damage.

I looked away from the window and checked my backpack if I had everything I needed, as my right eye returned to normal. That was a close call. Now, my essentials...

Notebook... Check.

Scrolls... Check.

Quill and inkwell... Check.

Book that allows me to contact Princess Celestia... Check.

Toothbrush and toothpaste... Check.

Hairbrush... Check.

Hygiene essentials... Check.

I'm good to start my new life in Ponyville and make some new friends.

The train came to a stop at a old-fashioned, but well-built train station outside of a large apple orchard and a medium-sized town. I grabbed my luggage and walked out of the train. I stopped just at the other end of the station, as I noticed the sun was shining toward the ground, thank goodness I was in the shade or I would've burned pretty badly.

I grabbed my umbrella from my luggage and opened it. I placed it over my shoulder, as the fan blocked the sun from my body, and resumed walking down the dirt road toward Ponyville. Once in the town, I noticed how friendly the community was. Everyone was meeting each other with kind smiles and waves.

I reached into my backpack and fished out a map that Princess Celestia gave me, to help me locate my new home in this town. I believe it was called the Golden Oak Library. Then I noticed something, the town suddenly grew quiet and the streets were empty. All in the matter of seconds? Was there something about this town I don't know? Or was it me?

I guessed it had something to do with me, because I don't think these ponies have met someone like me before.

I took a step forward, then I heard someone shout, "Incoming!"

Before I could react, something grey and blonde crashed into me, knocking my umbrella out of my hand and onto the ground.

Before I could react, something grey and blonde crashed into me, knocking my umbrella out of my hand and onto the ground

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