Ponyville: The First Winter

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~Serial Designation 092/Finn's POV~

I have to thank Pinkie and Derpy somehow for being so understanding of my predicament. It's been over about six months since I've moved to Ponyville and made a bunch of friends with the residents within the town. Summer and Fall has come and gone, with Nightmare Night just passed.

I didn't do much for Nightmare Night, except kept my distance from everyone, in fear of what happened last Nightmare Night might happen again. I'm still haunted by the actions and Cheshire Grin's attack that night. I almost killed three foals that night if Princess Celestia didn't stop the fight. I never knew how powerful the AbsoluteSolver was that night, and I can feel it growing stronger within me.

Speaking of the AbsoluteSolver, I've been getting better at controlling it, thanks to the training dojo under the library. I can still feel its influence trying to take over my mind, but as Princess Celestia said, my will is my ultimate strength and I must not give into temptation or listen to the AbsoluteSolver's pleas for release. I am in control...

Anyway, I'm rambling too much about what has happened. With Nightmare Night passing and everything calming down from the festivities, winter has arrived, with temperatures reaching their cold areas, the sky is overcast with dark clouds and everything was covered in a blanket of snow. Hearts Warming Eve will be coming soon...

And I just realized something while I searched through my clothes for some winter attire... I had no winter clothes to keep me warm during the winter cold. Spending so many months in Canterlot, it hardly gets too cold for ponies to go outside and enjoy the snow and clouded skies, despite being built around a snowy mountain.

But there is one good thing about winter that I'm very thankful for; due to the dark clouds overcasting the sky, I can come outside without worry of the sunlight harming me. It's a shame that this is the only time of the year I can come out during the day... Damn my vampirism...

As I was putting my clothes away for the third time in a row, to make sure everything was organized and tidy, I heard a knock on the door. I closed my closet and walked down the stairs to the main floor of the library and toward the door.

I opened the door and standing on the other side of the doorway was Pinkie Pie. She was wearing a raspberry pink scarf around her neck and a blue and yellow puffball hat. She looked happy to see me.

"Привет, Пинки. Что я могу сделать для вас? (Hi, Pinkie. What can I do for you?)" I greeted with a friendly smile.

Pinkie smiled warmly, "Actually, I think I can help you."

I tilted my head slightly, "Ой? (Oh?)"

The pink filly nodded, "Yeah. I noticed that you have no clothes for winter, to keep you warm during the cold and snowy weather. So, I think I know somepony who can help you."

I folded my arms in playful suspicion, "Ты шпионил за мной? (Have you been spying on me?)"

Pinkie quickly shook her head, "Nope. I just happened to have noticed your wardrobe during my last visit. Doesn't it get cold in Canterlot?"

I shook my head with a casual shrug, "Не совсем. Несмотря на то, что Кантерлот построен вокруг горы, в нем достаточно холодно, чтобы снег мог сохраняться в течение трех месяцев. (Not really. Even though it's built around a mountain, Canterlot is only cold enough to keep snow around for three months.)"

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion, you could almost see a big question mark appearing on top of her head.

"Магия единорога. (Unicorn magic.)" I simplified with a small giggle.

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