* - ˚ʚ CHAPTER 4: Exams and The Results ɞ˚ - *

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Keiko gets to battleground C and prepares herself for the exam. She ties her hair up in a ponytail. As she gets ready she hears Present Mic say that there's not real countdown in life. So, she books it as she runs trying to find the robots. Keiko runs straight forward, finding a 3 pointer at the start.

As touches the ground, making it break, dirt can be seen. She touches the dirt and begins to make it grow vines. Once she's done growing the vines, she throws it around the one pointers leg and pulls. With a little bit of struggle, robot falls down to the ground and dies.

"That was easy." Keiko mutters, wiping a little bit of sweat on her forehead. Keiko looks to her left to see a guy with yellow hair and a black lightning streak, almost gets smashed from being exhausted, by a 2 pointer. "Shit."

Keiko quickly uses her air manipulation with her right hand, making the robot go slower. She then uses the vine she made and quickly gets the vine around the boy and drag him to safety.

"Hey, are you ok?" Keiko asks the guy. He looks at her with a stupid smirk.

"Are you an orange?" He asks weirdly, while trying to touch her hair. Keiko quickly grabs his hand.

"Don't touch my hair." Keiko pushes the guy away from her. The guy then shakes his head rapidly and looks at her.

"Sorry for being a total creep just now. I'm just so exhausted." The guy apologizes. "My quirk makes me act like that, if I overuse it." He shrugs.

Keiko looks him up and down and starts to walk away. "You should probably try and get points before the exam is over."

"Six minutes, two seconds left!" Present Mic announces, making the guy give her a thumbs up.

"Yes, ma'am." He runs the other direction. Keiko then runs into another couple of 3 pointers. Let's just say, she had to defeat a lot of robots and save some people. A couple of minutes go by as the bigger robot than the rest comes marching forward, making a bunch of people run away. Keiko stands still for a second, looking at the robot with wide eyes.

"Two more minutes remaining!" Present Mic announces, making Keiko's eyes widen even more.

Keiko quickly touches the ground making the ground crack and erupt up. The ground makes the robot stumble, almost falling, but it still stands. Keiko furrows her eyebrows and chargers forward to the robot.

"You're gonna get yourself killed!" The previous guy yells as he runs away.

"Well, that's what I'm willing to do!" Keiko shouts back as she touches the right leg of the robot, freezing it. As she does the same to the other side, she notices a button on the back of it. She gasps and then grins. She makes another crack in the pavement and creates longer and stronger vines.

She throws the vine on top of the robot and successfully gets it around its head. She then pulls on it and climbs up, using her air manipulation for it to be easier. As she climbs, it starts to move again, making her almost fall. She quickly recovers and touches the red button.

As the robot begins to fall down, she uses different vines and swings on a building, managing to not get crushes.

"Times up!" Present Mic yells as a sound of a blow horn blows. Keiko swings down to the ground and starts to walk to the exit. As she walks she starts to get dizzy, beginning to stumble. A guy with purple hair sees her and quickly walks over to her before she falls. He catches her with ease and gently lays her on the ground.

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