Alastor Moody

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Classes continued for every school even though the Tournament had taken them away from them respective schools. Beauxbatons was no exception. The downside was being taught by Madame Maxime herself. Certain students at certain age levels do practice the same magic, as such in every school. However, while the younger students were fumbling over the advance magic, the older students were throughly bored due to the redundancy of the spells being taught.

So, Nikita found herself utterly bored with the so called "classes" the girls were enduring. Especially since she was far more advanced than anybody in the room. With the kind of father she had, she felt it necessary to be miles ahead of the curve. Once classes ended, Nikita wondered around the hallowed halls of Hogwarts. She walked around until she noticed students on a staircase, seemingly leaving a classroom. Some of the students looked distraught. One in particular stood at the middle of the staircase looking utterly depressed.

Nikita turned to one of the Hogwarts students that was around her. "What wrong with him?" She asked and pointed into the direction of the boy. "With Neville? He was uncomfortable in class today. Although I thought it was brilliant."

"I'm sorry?"

"Professor Moody taught us about the Unforgivable Curses." Nikita looked at back the boy, the realization hitting her hard at what she had just heard. Alastor Moody? Teaching Unforgivables? Before the student could walk away however, Nikita took it upon herself to ask another question. "What did you say his name was again?"

"Neville. Neville Longbottom." Nikita was utterly furious. Was he insane? Showing a Longbottom Unforigvables? It was outrageous. And so was her fury. She walked over to Neville and looked at him, concern completely etched on her face. She now understood why he was so distraught. And Moody should have understood as well. "And to perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face." A girl with wild brown hair shouted in anger while she was walking down the stairs herself. She bumped into Neville and looked at him looking out of the window. "Neville?" She said with worry lacing her voice.

Alastor Moody limped down the stairs as quickly as he could. He tapped Neville on his shoulder, gathering his attention. "Son, you alright?" Moody asked. Neville just nodded his head. "Come, we'll have a cup of tea. I want to show something." Moody said. Before he could turn to walk back up the stairs, he caught a glimpse of Nikita's face. The anger could visibly be seen strongly through her eyes. The two of them then left the staircase quickly.

"Its terrible isn't it?" Nikita spoke to the girl in front of her. The two other boys gathered near them while Nikita spoke.

"Poor Neville. Being shown something that horrible." Nikita continued.

"Yes. Yes it is." The girl said.

"I'm Nikita, by the way."

"Hermione. Hermione Granger. This is Ron and Harry." She introduced herself and her two friends. Nikita looked at each of them and smiled.

"Nice meeting you. I should get going." Nikita answered before walking away. She walked over towards Ani and the both of them left back towards their dorms.


Nikita walked down the corridors of the castle. She briskly found her way into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and walked into the room. She walked towards the private chambers, her anger well written on her face. Nikita saw Moody sitting in a chair brewing a potion in a cauldron. "What were you thinking?!" She shouted, her voice echoing throughout the room.

"Princess. How did you get here?"

"I used my feet, arsehole."

"Is that anyway to talk to a professor?"

"You're not my professor, you twonk. So don't think you've got the right to be treated like one. You blow cover and I will hurt you. The plan will not be ruined by your dimwitted ideas like teaching unforgivables when you're not supposed to ."

"How is showing unforgivable dim?"

"How about showing Neville Longbottom the Cruciatus Curse, knowing full well his parents are completely incapacitated from the exact curse?!"

"I know full well about his parents. I was there." Moody chuckled. He turned to look at Nikita highly unamused by him reveling his past deeds. Nikita walked menacingly over to Moody. She pushed him back in his chair and pulled out her wand before thrusting the tip into his neck.

"I'm sorry but do I looked amused? If you ruin this, you'll be sitting in St. Mungo's right next to his parents. Do I make myself clear?" Moody looked directly in Nikita's eyes, never wavering for a second. She pocketed her wand and left the office quickly.

Darkness swallowed her whole as she moved throughout the corridors. Turning corner after corner, she stumbled upon someone in the hallway, standing around. Nikita knew the platinum blonde that only his bloodline possessed anywhere.

"Mr. Malfoy, what are you doing wandering the halls?"

"I could ask you the same, Ms. Malik."

"I was conducting some business."

"Hopefully, not signing up for the Tournament."

"Even if I was, I'm not of age."

"Doesn't stop most students."

"I'm not most students."

"You certainly aren't." Nikita blushed slightly at his obvious attempt at flirting.

"Eternal glory is not something I wish to have in life." Somehow during this conversation, Draco had gotten awfully close to Nikita. Draco smirked grasping onto a piece of Nikita's hair and twirling it in his own fingers.  

"No? Then what does your heart desire, Ms. Malik?" He asked. Nikita smiled at the boy and started her walk back to her dorms pulling her hair out of his grip. However, before she could far enough away, she turned back towards him and answered his question.

"I'll know it when I see it."

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