Chapter 6:- Abhimanyu-Akshara Spend Time!!!

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It was a bright day, the sun was at its peak.

"Aaru, do you need to go to the hospital today?"

"Yes, Akshara, I have important work. But why do you want me at home?"

"Actually, Aaru, I wanted to go shopping with you."

"You focus on Abhimanyu, and there is a little girl with him. Don't try to destroy that girl's happiness. You know the reason."

"Aaru, that was in the past. I am not like that anymore."

"I still have doubts. If you did anything to that girl, I won't spare you. And now I am leaving."

As Aarohi was going out of Goenka, she bumped into someone. The person held her waist and pulled her towards him. They both had an eyelock for a few minutes, but Akshara broke it.

"Abhimanyu, you're here at this time?"

After hearing Akshara, Abhimanyu made Aarohi stand straight.

"Actually, Akshara, the other day I asked for some time from you, so Maa asked me to spend time with you."

"Abhimanyu, is Vishti also with you?"

"Sorry, Aarohi, she is at school, so you can meet her in the evening."

"Okay, then you both spend time. I need to go to the hospital; I have patients to visit."

Aarohi left from there, and Abhimanyu was uncomfortable around Akshara.

"Why did maa ask me to spend time with her? I agreed to marry for Vishti's sake and for Vishti, not for myself. How will my day go? I have no idea about it," Abhimanyu thought in his mind.

"Abhimanyu, give me 10 minutes. I will get ready, and we both will go somewhere."

"Ok, Akshara. I am waiting for you."

"Until you come and sit and have breakfast as it's breakfast time."

"Ok, I am coming."

They both entered Goenka Villa. Abhimanyu greeted everyone with a smile on his face. He was feeling really weird as everyone was talking to him about Akshara only, and Kairav was just seeing the whole scenario standing near the staircase.

"I think everyone should tell Abhimanyu about Akshara's past. He has the full right to know about it, and I don't think Vishti will be safe around Akshara. If by chance Akshara's anger reached a higher altitude, she will surely do something. But the family has strictly warned us to never speak about that topic, never in our life." Kairav thought in his mind looking worried.

Abhimanyu, beta, have something; your plate is empty.

It's okay, aunty. I had breakfast at home. I am just waiting for Akshara to come.

After a while, Akshara came, and both of them went out. They both were in the car.

"So where do you want to go, Akshara?"

"Let's go to a cafe or a restaurant."

"I think we should explore nature and have some talks about Vishti."

"Right now, Abhimanyu, let's talk about ourselves. We can talk about Vishti later."

"Akshara, but I want you to know about Vishti before marriage."

"But, Abhimanyu, I am going to spend my whole life with you, so first, I need to know you."

Abhimanyu was confused as he had clearly mentioned that he is going to marry just for Vishti's sake, and Akshara is not at all interested in knowing about Vishti.

"Abhimanyu Birla, Vishti is just a reason. I want to enter your life. After entering your life, I will handle Vishti and surely make you fall in love with me. Don't worry, till how long will you ignore? After some days, you will surely give me rights of a wife." Akshara thought in her mind.

They both went near a lake and were talking to each other.

"Bhai, ask her about her interests, what she loves to do," was replied by Abhimanyu.

Actually, Abhimanyu didn't know what he should talk about with Akshara, so he called Neil and asked Neil to help him. Neil was telling Abhimanyu how to start the conversation.

"Actually, Abhimanyu, I don't have many interests, but yes, I like singing and a little painting."

"Oh, that's great, you have a good voice."

"And Abhimanyu, what are your interests?"

"I am a businessman, so I am mostly busy with work. After that, I love to spend time with my family. So, these are my interests."

"Wow, are there any locations you particularly like to visit, Abhimanyu?"

"Yes, I have many places on my wishlist that I want to visit. I want to visit all those places with Ritu, but..." Abhimanyu realized what he said.

"Sorry, I didn't intentionally want to mention her name in front of you."

"It's totally alright, Abhimanyu. But if you are comfortable, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, Akshara, why not?"

"Abhimanyu, it's only been six months since your wife left you, and you aren't having any problem marrying again."

"Actually, I am doing this for Vishti. I don't want her to suffer, and I promised my late wife that I would surely marry for the sake of Vishti. But, Akshara, how do you know that my late wife's name is Ritu, and it has been six months since she died?"

"Aaru told me about your wife's case. She was very sad for Vishti," Akshara said, trembling.

"Why am I not feeling that Akshara is speaking the truth? I need to find out. There is something fishy going on," Abhimanyu thought to himself and gave Akshara a fake smile.

As the target is completed I have double update for all of you!!!

So this is all for today. Hope you all liked the update and if you liked it then comment and vote. Let's see want happens in the next chapter. Is Akshara hiding something??? What past was Kairav talking about and how can it be dangerous for Vishti??? Why Kairav and Aarohi so worried about Vishti, if Akshara is around her??? To get answers of all your questions stay tuned with the story and thanks for giving your precious time to my story.

Next part when the target is completed. So do read and vote. Enjoy the story and have a wonderful day.

Target:- 50+ votes


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