A Bug's Life Princess Dot Blueberries And High-pitched buzzing Fart

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Princess Dot flitted into Ant Island, her tiny wings flapping with excitement. She landed near a patch of succulent blueberries and wasted no time in gobbling them up greedily. The sweet fruit made her giddy, and before long, she began to let out tiny, high-pitched farts that echoed through the leafy canopy.
The ants nearby froze in their tracks, their antennae twitching as they tried to make sense of the strange sound. "What's that noise?" one ant whispered to another, their voices barely audible over the hum of the forest.
Princess Dot continued to eat, the blueberries fueling her little body with energy. With each bite, another fart escaped her, the sound becoming more frequent and louder. The ants couldn't contain themselves any longer and erupted into fits of laughter, their tiny bodies shaking with mirth.
But Princess Dot paid them no mind, lost in her own world of fruity delight. She hummed a happy tune as she ate, the occasional fart punctuating her melody. The ants, now used to the sound, joined in her hum, creating a symphony of buzzing farts and laughter that echoed through the forest.

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