Chapter 3: A Puzzle Piece

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That night, Hiyori, Keith and Kyros made their way to the warehouse. They parked a safe distance away and approached on foot. Using the intel they gathered, they avoided the main entrance and entered through a side door that Hiyori unlocked with her katana's light imbue. 

Inside, the warehouse was dimly lit and filled with crates and equipment. Hiyori led the way, her light imbue illuminating their path just enough to see without drawing attention. Keith followed closely, his rifle ready to incapacitate any guards they encountered. 

They moved silently through the corridors, avoiding the guards as they went. They reached the central storage area, where they found several large crates marked with the Tapeinos government emblem. 

Kyros motioned for them to stop. "These crates must contain the information we're looking for. Let's open them." 

Hiyori used her katana to pry open one of the crates. Inside, they found documents, blueprints, and strange devices. 

Keith picked up one of the devices. "What are these?"

Kyros studied the blueprints intently. "These are plans for some kind of large-scale operation. It looks like they're preparing for a major smuggling operation, possibly involving human trafficking."

Hiyori furrowed her brow in confusion. "But why? They already have enough people. Why would they need to smuggle more?"

Kyros considered her question thoughtfully. "That's a valid concern. We'll discuss it later. For now, our priority is to get this information back to ZIA headquarters. This could be the breakthrough we've been waiting for."

Both of his cadet nodded and got ready to move. They quickly collected the documents and devices, stuffing them into backpacks. As they were about to leave, they heard footsteps approaching. 

Keith raised his rifle. "We've got company."

Hiyori and Kyros readied themselves. The guards entered the room, weapons drawn. A firefight ensued, with Keith using his psychic abilities to shield them from bullets and take out guards with precision shots. Hiyori's katana flashed through the air, her light imbue blinding their foes and allowing her to strike with deadly accuracy. 

Kyros provided cover, taking the rest of them down with his lightning-imbued sword. They fought their way back to the side entrance and slipped out into the night. 

Breathing heavily, they made their way back to the vehicle and sped away from the warehouse. They didn't stop until they reached the ZIA safe house. 

Once inside, they unloaded the documents and devices onto the table. "We did it," Hiyori said, catching her breath. 

Kyros nodded. "Excellent work, team. This information will be crucial in stopping the Tapeinos government's plans. Let's get these to headquarters and start analyzing them." 

Keith looked at the pile of documents. "This is just the beginning, isn't it?" 

Kyros smiled. "Yes, but with this information, we have a chance to turn the tide. We're making a difference." 

As they prepared to head to headquarters, Hiyori and Keith exchanged a look. They had successfully completed their first mission. 


During the drive back to the headquarters, they stopped at an authentic Kinbenese restaurant. Kyros enjoyed his meal with a soft hum while Hiyori and Keith stared at the food and then at each other. The informant silently ate his meal.

Keith, deadpan, questioned his officer's carefreeness. "Kyros, aren't we supposed to report to headquarters?"

Kyros laughed, taking in the sight of his two subordinates looking innocently confused. "It's fine. There's nothing like treating my two kids after a mission."

"We're only six years younger," Keith defended as he took a bite of his food.

"That makes me a responsible older brother then," Kyros replied proudly. Hiyori chuckled before taking a bite of her food as well. 

After their meal, Kyros settled the bill, and they made their way back to the vehicle. The informant remained silent, his eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and relief. Hiyori and Keith, now more relaxed after the hearty meal, prepared themselves for the debriefing ahead.

As they approached the ZIA headquarters, the sprawling complex loomed large, a testament to the organization's reach and influence. They parked in the underground garage and escorted the informant through a series of security checks. Finally, they arrived at the debriefing room where their superiors awaited.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense. High-ranking officials from the ZIA, including General Myles Alexendric who is one of the great twelve Generals in ZIA, were present. Kyros stepped forward, presenting the collected documents and devices. 

"We successfully extracted the informant and retrieved these items from the warehouse in Midora-Fermer," Kyros reported. "These documents detail plans for a major smuggling operation, likely involving human trafficking." 

General Alexendric nodded, his expression grave. "Excellent work, team. This information is crucial. We'll need to analyze it immediately." 

Hiyori, unable to contain her curiosity, spoke up. "Sir, why would they need to smuggle more people? They already have enough captives." 

Keith was about to nudged her for speaking before the general, but he answered her with detail. "The Tapeinos government is likely expanding their operations. They may have new projects or demands that require a larger workforce. We need to understand their full intentions and put a stop to it." 

The informant, who had remained quiet until now, finally spoke. "I overheard some conversations while I was held captive. They mentioned something about a 'Project Leviathan'. I don't know the details, but it sounded significant." 

Alexendric's eyes narrowed. "Project Leviathan. We need to find out everything about this. Kyros, Hiyori, Keith – your team will lead the investigation. Work with our analysts and prepare for your next mission."

Kyros saluted. "Understood, sir. We'll get to the bottom of this."

As the debriefing concluded, Kyros led Hiyori and Keith out of the room. They walked through the corridors of the headquarters, the weight of their next mission already pressing down on them.

"Project Leviathan sounds ominous," Keith muttered as Hiyori nodded her head. 

Kyros placed a reassuring hand on their shoulders. "We've proven we can handle tough missions. We'll uncover the truth and stop whatever they're planning." 

"Who was that official earlier?" Hiyori asked, her curiosity piqued.

Keith looked at her in surprise. "You don't know? That was Myles Alexendric, The Eclipse General."

Kyros chuckled and patted Keith's head, causing Keith to scowl in annoyance. "That's right, Keith! There are twelve generals in the ZIA, with each nation having three generals stationed. Here in Kinben, we have the Eclipse General, the Spatium General, and the Sound General."

Hiyori's eyes widened in awe. "Have you met the others?"

Kyros shook his head, smiling encouragingly. "During my time stationed here, I report directly to the Eclipse General. If we're fortunate enough to earn a promotion, we'll meet the other generals at the promotion ceremony. So, let's work hard until then!"

The team spent the next few days working closely with the analysts, pouring over the documents and blueprints. They discovered references to several locations across Kinben and beyond, all tied to Project Leviathan. The smuggling operation was just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

With each new piece of information, their mission became clearer – and more dangerous. But Hiyori, Keith, and Kyros were determined. They had a newfound sense of purpose and camaraderie, forged through their shared experiences and unwavering commitment to justice.

As they prepared for their next mission, they knew the stakes were higher than ever. The fate of countless lives depended on their success.

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