Chapter II

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Kalyan officially woke up from his deep sleep when a loud knocking sound diffused through the house. He jolted upward, startled and shaken. He rubbed his tired eyes and reached over to his nightstand to pick up his phone to check the time. 

He pressed the read-aloud option on his phone and the robotic voice deadpanned, "The time currently is ten thirty-five." 

He shot out of bed immediately, "Ten Thirty?!" He quickly combed his tangled hair and put on his sunglasses before scurrying over to the door and swinging it open, "Hi! Hello!"

On the other side of the door stood a tall man with a dark blue hat and uniform. A metallic gold badge was pinned over his chest, "Kalyan Huxley?" His voice was deep, yet sounded sorrowful.

Kalyan nodded quickly, trying to make out who was speaking to him, "That would be me. Uh- Who're you?"

The man cleared his throat, "I am Officer Sterling of the Lewes Police Department."

Kalyan fidgeted with his hands nervously, "Oh. Cool. Cool cool cool..."

Sterling looked at the short brunette in front of him with contrition, "You are Anastasia Huxley's husband, correct?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, that's... That's me!"

"It is with great remorse that I have to inform you of your wife's passing," Sterling explained, "She was hit by a car while on her route to work, and she was announced dead at seven twenty-six this morning." 

Kalyan froze, "...Pardon?"

"Your wife has passed. I am deeply sorry."

"You," he interrupted himself with an anxious chuckle, "You're joking. I saw her just this morning!"

The officer tensed, "I truly am sorry, if it wasn't true I would not have been sent to inform you."

Tears welled up in Kalyan's eyes, and he stared at the ground he couldn't see. "...Thanks," he closed the door and locked it, taking a moment to get his shaky breathing under control. He hesitantly pulled out his phone and spoke to the virtual assistant, "Call Anastasia."

The voice replied momentarily with an unfamiliar message, "It appears the person you are trying to reach is unavailable at the moment press one to leave a message, press-"

Kalyan closed his phone. 

He screamed into his pillow, his face practically melting away. He hated this. He hated everything. He wished he had stopped her from stepping out that door. He wished he had done something. Anything. His shaky gaze shifted to the other side of the bed, where his gorgeous wife used to sleep. Where they would cuddle. Where they would kiss. Where she would talk to him about her eventful day and where he would comfort her when things became hectic in her cluttered mind. He wished to go back. Back to that morning. Back to before he had answered the door. Before she had left their home. Before she had even gotten out of their cozy cocoon of blankets. He wanted nothing more than to see her face up close. To hold her near him and never, ever let her leave him again.

But he couldn't. He never could again. His lower lip trembled just thinking about her being there. He longed to see her cocky smirk and hear her joyful laughter. Even her quiet sobs and pained voice he missed greatly. 

He broke away from his train of thought and clutched the pillow tightly. He hoped he could just imagine her being with him in his arms. He longed for it all to be a horrific nightmare.

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