22. Florence Interlude: Kian's little Sky

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Third Person's PoV

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Third Person's PoV

The Trenitalia Frecciarossa train eased into the station, the finality of its braking a gentle reminder that they had arrived at their destination. The Florence Santa Maria Novella station greeted them with its grandeur, a perfect blend of modern functionality and historical resonance. The station, a prime example of Italian modernism from the 1930s, was bustling with life, echoing with the sounds of arrivals and departures. Its architecture, a stark contrast to the Renaissance beauty that awaited them outside, was a testament to the city’s ability to marry the past with the present.

As Kian and Sky stepped off the train, they were enveloped by the energy of the station. Travelers moved in a choreographed dance of haste and excitement, each on their way to discover or return from the wonders of Italy. The station’s layout, with its 19 tracks and spacious hall, was intuitive, guiding them effortlessly towards the exit.

Outside, the crisp air of Florence welcomed them, and there it was—a gleaming black Ferrari SF90 Stradale, the latest marvel from the iconic Italian automaker. Its presence was magnetic, drawing the eyes of passersby with its sleek lines and the promise of unmatched performance. The driver, dressed impeccably in a suit that matched the car’s elegance, tipped his hat in greeting.

“Welcome to Florence,” he said, opening the door to the world of luxury that only a Ferrari could offer. As they settled into the plush seats, Sky couldn’t help but marvel at the seamless blend of speed and style that surrounded them. Kian gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, a silent message that the adventure was just beginning.

Kian extended his hand to the driver, his gratitude evident in his smile. “Alessandro, thank you for being here,” he said warmly.

Alessandro returned the handshake with a respectful nod. “It’s my pleasure, sir,” he replied, his voice carrying the distinct melody of an Italian accent.

Turning to Sky, Kian’s eyes softened. “Sky, this is Alessandro,” he introduced. “He’s not just any driver; he’s the most trusted assistant of my father. He’s been with our family for years, and I trust him implicitly.”

Sky reached out, her hand meeting Alessandro’s in a firm, friendly shake. “It’s lovely to m-meet you, Alessandro,” she said, her voice carrying the sincerity of her words.

Alessandro’s professional demeanor gave way to a warm smile. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Sky,” he responded. “Welcome to Florence.”

As they settled back into the seats, the Ferrari SF90 Stradale began to move, its engine purring with restrained power. Kian and Sky exchanged a look of excitement.

Sky felt the undeniable aura of wealth that seemed to emanate from Kian, a sensation that had been a subtle undercurrent since the moment they met. Today, as they were ushered into the opulence of the Ferrari SF90 Stradale, that sense of affluence was no longer just an intuition—it was a tangible reality. The luxury that surrounded them was a clear testament to the Rossi family’s stature.

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