39. Missing Him?

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Third Person's PoV

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Third Person's PoV

The silence in the car was palpable, a heavy blanket that seemed to absorb their collective sorrow. Sky’s gaze lingered on the Rossi estate’s gates, the barriers that separated her from the life she had known, from the love she feared was lost.

Micah’s voice, soft and steady, broke the quiet. “Sky, we don’t have to do this if you’re not ready,” he said, his eyes searching hers in the rearview mirror.

Sky’s lips parted, a breath of hesitation escaping before her words followed. “No, it’s… it’s t-time,” she whispered, her voice a fragile thread in the tapestry of their departure. “Maybe Kian d-doesn’t want me anymore. Maybe this is a sign that I need to find my own path, away from his s-shadow.”

Karl reached back, his hand finding hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re not in anyone’s shadow, Sky. You’re your own person, strong and full of light. Rome will be good for us, for you.”

The engine hummed to life, a soft purr that signaled the beginning of their journey. As Karl navigated the car through the estate’s gates, Sky cast one last look behind, her eyes tracing the contours of a home that was no longer hers.

The road to Rome stretched before them, a ribbon of possibilities and uncharted futures. Sky leaned against the window, the cool glass a balm to her fevered thoughts. The rain blurred the world outside, each droplet a reminder of the tears she had shed, of the cleansing that was yet to come.

Micah’s presence beside her was a silent vow of protection, his warmth a counterpoint to the chill that had settled in her bones. “We’ll build new memories in Rome,” he murmured, his voice barely audible above the rain. “And who knows, maybe Kian will find his way back to you, in time.”

Sky nodded, her heart aching with a mixture of hope and resignation. “M-maybe,” she agreed, allowing herself the luxury of that single word, that single thread of hope.

As the Rossi estate faded into the distance, swallowed by the rain and the passage of miles, Sky felt the finality of their decision settle around her. They were leaving behind the echoes of a love that had once burned brightly, stepping into the unknown with only each other for guidance.

Sky’s voice was a mere whisper, almost lost in the sound of the rain. “I think I’ll try to s-sleep,” she said, her eyes downcast. “I’m sorry… for everyt-thing. I feel like I’ve brought chaos into your lives, and I’m j-just a stranger who—”

“Stop right there, Sky,” Karl interjected, his tone gentle but firm. “You’re not a stranger. You haven’t been since the moment we met you. You’re family now, and that’s all there is to it.”

Micah nodded, his hand finding Sky’s shoulder in the dim light. “He’s right. You’re our sister, Sky. And families stick together, no matter what. So no more talk of being a stranger or causing messes, okay?”

Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky Where stories live. Discover now