54. Promises are meant to be broken

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Third Person's PoV

The candles had burned lower, their flames casting a serene glow over the room. An hour had passed since the laughter and teasing had filled the air, and now a tranquil silence enveloped Sky and Kian as they cuddled up on the couch. Sky’s head rested gently on Kian’s shoulder, her breaths syncing with the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. The playful banter with Karl and Micah seemed like a distant memory as they found comfort in each other’s embrace.

Kian’s arm was wrapped protectively around Sky, his fingers idly tracing patterns on her arm. The soft fabric of the blanket draped over them felt like a cocoon, shielding them from the world outside. In this moment, it was just the two of them, their hearts beating in unison, their thoughts intertwined.

Sky broke the silence first, her voice a whisper that barely disturbed the stillness. “Kian, do you e-ever think about the future? About us?” Her question hung in the air, filled with hope and a hint of vulnerability.

Kian turned his head slightly, his lips brushing against her hair as he spoke. “All the time,” he admitted. “I see us building a life together, one filled with moments like these. Moments of peace, laughter, and love.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Sky’s lips, her eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight. “I like that vision,” she murmured. “A life where we can be o-ourselves, where every day is a new adventure with y-you.”

Kian’s gaze lingered on Sky, a softness in his eyes that spoke of deep affection. “Sky,” he began, his voice steady and sincere, “I promise you, no matter how rough the seas, I’ll never leave your side. We’ll navigate every storm together.”

Sky nestled closer, her voice trembling slightly as she continued, “And Kian, p-please… if ever we find ourselves in troubled waters, don’t break my heart. It’s been shattered before, not by a lover, b-but by life’s cruel twists. If it breaks again, I fear the pieces might be too scattered to g-gather.”

Kian tightened his embrace, a silent vow to protect her fragile heart. “Sky, your heart is safe with me. It’s the treasure I guard most dearly. I’ve seen its resilience, its capacity to love despite the cracks. And I swear, I’ll be the shield that keeps it whole.”

Sky’s eyes, brimming with unshed tears, met Kian’s, and in them, he saw not just the fear of past pain, but the hope for a future filled with love and trust.

“Thank y-you, Kian,” Sky whispered, her voice laced with gratitude. “For being my anchor, my s-safe harbor.”

Kian brushed a kiss atop her head, a silent pledge to honor her trust. “And thank you, Sky, for being my guiding star, my reason to always find my way back home.”

Sky leaned in, her eyes locked with Kian's, and pressed her lips softly against his. For a moment, Kian was motionless, caught off guard by the unexpected warmth of her touch. It was a bold move, one he had never anticipated from Sky, always so shy and self-assured in her independence.

But as the seconds ticked by, the initial shock faded, replaced by a rush of affection that surged through him. He responded to her kiss, his lips moving gently against hers, a silent conversation of tenderness and promise. The kiss deepened, a delicate dance of give and take, a testament to the trust and love they had nurtured between them.

When they finally parted, a breathless quiet hung between them, their foreheads resting together. Kian's eyes, wide with wonder and admiration, mirrored the stars that had found their way into Sky's gaze.

"That was..." Kian started, but words failed him.

"Une-expected?" Sky offered, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Perfect," Kian corrected, his voice a low whisper. "Absolutely perfect."

Sky’s cheeks flushed a delicate pink, the warmth of the moment still lingering as she reached for the remote control. She handed it to Kian, her fingers brushing against his as she did so. “Your turn to pick t-the movie,” she said with a soft smile.

Kian raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his gaze. “Oh, is it now?” he teased, taking the remote. He let out a dramatic sigh, feigning exasperation. “But you know, Micah and Karl will be here any minute, and I’m sure they’ll hijack the movie selection as always.”

No sooner had the words left his mouth than the doorbell echoed through the room, punctuating his prediction. Kian turned to Sky, a knowing look in his eyes. “Speaking of the devils,” he said with a chuckle.

With a shared glance and a soft chuckle, Kian rose from the couch, Sky following close behind. The warmth of their recent embrace still lingered as they approached the door. Kian’s hand found the lock, turning it with a click that seemed to echo the beating of their hearts. As the door swung open, there stood not two, but three familiar faces.

Clade, the cousin with a smile that could light up the darkest room, stood at the forefront. His presence was a pleasant surprise, a reminder of past gatherings filled with laughter and stories. Sky’s eyes widened in recognition, and before she could utter a word, Clade opened his arms wide for a hug. She stepped into his embrace with a giggle, the familiarity and warmth instantly bringing back memories of their last encounter.

Kian, with a playful frown, questioned the trio, “Why the need for a doorbell serenade when you’ve got keys?” His tone was light, teasing, but there was a hint of genuine curiosity behind his words.

Sky’s laughter bubbled up uncontrollably as Micah pouted, his arms occupied with Bren and Bamboo, Sky’s cherished stuffed animals. Karl, too, wore a mock expression of indignation, his hands full with an assortment of dishes that promised a feast. Clade, unburdened by such cargo, had been free to offer his welcoming hug.

Kian’s eyebrows furrowed in mock severity as he addressed the trio, “Do I need to start charging rent for this hijacking?” His tone was light, but the playful glint in his eyes betrayed his enjoyment of the familiar intrusion.

Karl and Micah responded with hearty laughter, the sound filling the room and bouncing off the walls. Clade’s snort was a punctuation mark to their amusement, a clear sign that no explanation was needed among such close friends.

Without waiting for a response, Karl confidently made his way to the kitchen, his arms full of dishes that promised a feast fit for royalty. The clinking of cutlery and the rustle of packaging were the prelude to a night filled with good food and even better company.

Micah, carefully placed Bren and Bamboo on the couch, ensuring Sky’s beloved stuffed companions were comfortably seated for the night’s festivities.

As the three settled in, their eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, and they noticed the candles nearing their end. “Why’s it so dark in here?” they asked in unison, their voices a chorus of feigned concern as they pointed to the flickering candles.

Sky, her laughter still dancing in her eyes, replied with a playful shrug. “We w-were enjoying the c-calm before the storm—you guys,” she teased, her words light and affectionate.

Kian chuckled, adding, “It’s the ambiance, you know? It sets the scene for a night of Disney magic and nostalgia. But I suppose we can brighten things up now that the full cast has arrived.”

Mary Joye.

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