60. Reconciliations

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Third Person's PoV

The Rossi mansion, a testament to Italian elegance and history, stood majestically against the twilight sky. As Sky and Kian crossed the threshold, the grandeur of the interior took her breath away. Vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes told stories of a bygone era, while the soft glow of crystal chandeliers cast a warm, inviting light.

Sky’s eyes danced across the room, taking in the opulent tapestries and the rich patina of antique wood. The air was filled with the comforting scent of rosemary and sage, mingling with the more robust aroma of the Bistecca alla Fiorentina sizzling in the kitchen.

Karl, Micah, and Krizah, already seated in the dining hall, turned their heads towards the newcomers. Their faces lit up with joy, and they beckoned Sky and Kian to join them at the table, which was set with the finest porcelain and silverware, each piece reflecting centuries of tradition and care.

“Welcome to our humble abode,” Karl said with a playful bow, his voice echoing slightly in the vastness of the hall.

Micah’s laughter filled the room as she added, “Don’t let him fool you, Sky. He’s been dying to show off the new painting we acquired.”

Sky followed their gaze to a stunning canvas that depicted the rolling hills of Tuscany, the colors vibrant even in the dimming light. “It’s b-beautiful,” she whispered, her appreciation genuine.

Krizah rose from her seat. “Come, let’s sit. Father will be out soon with his masterpiece, and I can’t wait for you to try it.”

As they settled into their seats, Sky couldn’t help but marvel at the craftsmanship of the chairs, the intricate carvings telling tales of love and adventure. She ran her fingers over the smooth wood, feeling connected to the history of the mansion and the family that called it home.

The patriarch of the Rossi family emerged from the kitchen, his apron a badge of honor, his hands carefully balancing the platter with the perfectly cooked steak. His eyes met Sky’s, and he offered her a warm, welcoming smile.

“This is for you, Sky,” he said, placing the dish before her. “A taste of Florence, from our family to yours.”

The dining hall erupted into applause, and Sky felt her cheeks flush with warmth. She was overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of Kian’s family, their acceptance enveloping her like a soft embrace.

The patriarch’s expression held a hint of apology as he addressed Sky. “I’m sorry that Alessandra isn’t here to enjoy this evening with us,” he said, his voice carrying a note of disappointment. “She was very much looking forward to this dinner.”

Sky’s smile was warm and understanding as she responded, “Please, there’s no n-need to apologize. Alessandra actually texted m-me while Kian and I were on our way here. She sent her love and made me feel so welcomed already.”

A look of affection crossed the patriarch’s face, and his eyes twinkled with a mixture of pride and joy. “Ah, that sounds just like her,” he replied with a soft chuckle. “She always tells me that she feels as if she now has two daughters, you and Krizah. She’s very fond of you, Sky.”

Sky’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of crimson as Kian’s voice, filled with pride, broke the brief silence. “That’s my little Sky,” he said, his eyes twinkling with affection. “Always so adorable that everyone can’t help but love her.”

Micah playfully stuck out his lower lip in a pout, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Well, because Sky is also innocent and sweet, she deserves someone even better than you,” he teased, nudging Sky gently with his elbow.

Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky Where stories live. Discover now