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Rain fell from the night sky. In the distance explosions and gunshots could be heard. A bomb exploded a couple miles from where I stood causing the ground to shake beneath my feet. I quickened my pace.

I clung onto my coat, and continued. My dad wouldn't approve of me doing this. Doing this was stupid, I could get myself killed doing this, but I didn't care I wanted to go to my place where I went when I was sad or scared or confused. Right now I'm all of these things, I need an escape, I need to think.

As I neared the border of the villages I see a cave also known as my place. I ran almost slipping on a wet rock. As soon as I entered I took a deep breath, peace washing over me. This place has always held a relaxing vibe. All my worries floated away, but then I heard someone clear their throat and I tensed.

"Who are you?" A male voice asked. I turned slowly and nearly jumped of my skin.

At the back of the cave sat a guy who look my age, 16, had blonde hair with natural brown streaks that spiked up in the front, and deep blue eyes. That's not what was frightening though, he had a tattoo of a falcon on his forearm, the sign of someone from Fidem. What was an enemy doing in my cave?

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I asked frantically.

He began to chuckle. "Relax I'm not going to hurt you."

"Well there's always the possibility that you'd kill the daughter of Spero's military leader," I said, and I mentally smacked my head for just giving away my identity.

"Here's the thing, I don't care which village you come from or whose daughter you are. I just want this stupid, useless war to be over," he said.

I stared at him trying to figure him out. "What are you doing here in my cave?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Your cave?"

"I found this place seven years ago and claimed it to be my secret hiding place. Then when I brought my boyfriend here we claimed it as our place," I explained.

"Interesting because I always thought that this was my place," he says while biting his lip.

"When did you find this place?" I questioned.

"A year ago, but I've never brought anyone else here. Now tell me have you and your boyfriend done the hanky panky here?" He smirked.

"Ew! Gross no! That's disgusting," I exclaimed. "What would possess you to ask a question like that?"

He started laughing. "I just wanted to make sure this place was clean."

"You're disgusting."

"I'm a sixteen year old boy, what do you expect?"

"I honestly don't know."

"So what's your name?"

"What's your's?"

"I asked first young lady."

"Ryan. Now you."

"The name's Ash. Question- why do you have a guy's name?"

"It's not just a guy's name!" I glared at him.

"It kind of is. Did Daddy want a boy?" He asked pouting his lips mockingly.

"For your information my parents were actually hoping for a girl because they already had my twin brothers, Jack and Leo."

"Okay, first off your parents were probably just saying that so that they didn't hurt your feelings. Second off, Jack and Leo?"

"First; whatever. Second," I stuck my tongue out at him. "Third: they're named after my mom's brother and my dad's best friend, so don't judge," with that I sat down.

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