chapter 5 : "Serena."

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"Are you stalking me?"

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"Are you stalking me?"

No. Not yet, at least.

"I have more important stuff to do than stalk you, Gary," Serena replied nonchalantly and strode over to the aisles of breads and cakes, with the mahogany head following her, for she-did-not-know-what reason.

She wanted to ask him but then did not want to seem like she was interested in him or in anything that he did. From what she had come to learn about him after the miniscule conversations they had, Gary had the capacity to misunderstand anything as flirting. But that did not change the fact that Serena was getting annoyed by him following her around. It is an invasion of her personal space.

And that is what I told him.

"It is a store—for everyone. There is nothing personal here," he grinned as a reply.

She tried to ignore his presence and shun it out completely, like she had done with everyone for the entirety of her life. To have a peaceful life, one needs internal peace. She learnt it through good and bad ways over the years and it certainly became her key to happiness.

At least for me.

But right now, her mental peace was being disturbed by a guy whom she just met—probably half an hour ago.

Okay Serena. Just stay calm. If you are quiet, you are out of sight . . .

"What are you looking for?" His voice piped in from behind.

She sighed.

So much for trying to be out of sight.

She stopped and turned around, looking at Gary with the most annoyed look she could muster. "I am looking for," —some peace and quiet— "bread."

The mahogany haired boy nodded understandingly and Serena fist bumped the air triumphantly in her head. Finally he seemed to understand that he was annoying her and she wanted to shop in peace. Maybe on any other day she would have enjoyed some handsome male company. But not this time.

With Christmas just a few days away, she had a lot of chores and tasks to be done back at home. She had promised Grace to finish baking all batches of cookies before the day ended; tomorrow she has to start on her macarons for which she needed to buy the ingredients right now and then in the evening, she had to help Bonnie pack and wrap the cookies for every Vanivillian that would come on Christmas Eve to the grand Christmas showcase set at the orphanage.

Serena could not afford distractions at this time. There was a lot to be done and she had already idled for too long. If Mama knew what she were doing, she would be furio—

"What kind?" His voice pierced the quiet she temporarily had created for her mind to function.

Good lord.

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