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The screams of familiar voices rang in my ears as I tried to make out the imagery before me. Mother? I dont know. Blood splattered everywhere staining the wooden walls, the smell of iron intoxicating my nostrills. Amidst this commotion a monstrous jaw parted itself showcasing sharp canines mimicing that of a sharks'. I was going to die.


I held onto my head in pain. A nightmare. A memory from the past? Maybe. Who knows.

The water from the faucet poured out aimlessly as I continued to stare at my refelction in the bathroom instead of getting myself ready for school.

After wasting time staring at myself I put on my uniform and slid onto the shoes by the doorway before heading out. Yawning to myself I figured it may have been a bad idea to stay up all night playing video games. The prominent eye bags hanging on my face wouldn't say otherwise. I'm tired. I want to sleep.

I made my way to class and slid open the door only to see my fellow classmates beaten up before an unfamiliar silhouette of a student.

Am I still asleep?

"Ah! yn-kun!" The beaming voice of my teacher brought me back to reality. "Just in time."

Still half asleep I nodded. "Sorry, I slept in."

He motioned with his hands and presented the stranger. "This is Yuta. You will be instructing him today through your mission!" Thats right... I have a mission. I want to sleep.

The raven haired boy met eyes with me, fear still present in them. "Nice to meet you!" He shouted out with his head held down.



"l-n san, where are you going?" My new classmate spoke out to me as I made my way towards the direction of the school vending machines.

"I'm hungry..." 

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