Chapter 6

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A picture of Naomi's brother, David above.

Chapter 6

"Hello Mimi." He grinned.

I hate it when my brother calls me that name and he does it when he knows he has done something evil to me.

I glared at David. He was still smiling. Mum walked into the kitchen.

"Mum, what's all this about? Is this a joke?"

"I'm sorry honey, we tried to call you that David is back but you didn't pick up, so we realized you left your phone at home."

"What time did he come?"

"A few minutes after you left."

I groaned.

"I hate you David." I told him.

"It's good to talk you again after 'five' freaking days." He raised his hands to five.

"What exactly are you trying to say? My problem is where were you?"

"In dan's house."

"But mum! You said you called all his friends' parents."

"I must have forgotten Dan, my apologies." She said.

"So Naomi, it's glad to talk to you again." David smirked and retreated.

"Naomi, why have you been ignoring your brother?" Mum asked.

"He's so annoying! I gave him a warning when I was calling his name in school and he was stupidly ignoring me. Talking to that bitch-"

"-Don't use 'those' words in my house again." mum cuts me.

"Sorry mum but he really did piss me off."

"He's your brother Naomi, your family." Mum came closer. "You don't need to make that as a big deal, maybe he was just pissed off."

"Pissed off?"

"Don't worry Naomi, go to bed." Mum kissed me on my forehead.

I mumbled something so that my mum won't hear.

"Goodnight mum."

"Goodnight." She said as I walked out of the kitchen.

As I entered the room, I plopped down on my bed and saw eight missed call. Five from mum, two from Hayley and one from Grace.

I wasn't willing to call tonight, so I just dropped my phone on the bed and opened my laptop.

Facebook it is.

I stalked people's pages as usual, even Jenna's.

She irritates me up till now, Everything about her. Hayley should have told me that we were going to have a meal with Jenna and her crew. And I was sure that if I should sit with them, my life would be miserable. It would just be another version of Mean Girls.

I look at Jenna's profile photo. It just irritated me, the way she brings out her tongue and all, is she a freaking Miley Cyrus?

I accidentally clicked on the likers and to my surprise I saw Adam Richardson's name first. Wow, so he knows Jenna. I was quite jealous because Jenna is the popular girl and I'm sure she's nice to him and here I am being snobbish like I'm any better.

I try to let go of that thought but it didn't want to go, so I decided to just go back to Adam, even after seeing him today.

'Hey! I'm sorry for acting the way I was earlier, can we start over again :D'

Naomi [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now