Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Other than lockers and people, the hallway was filled with Valentine's decorations. It was Friday, the day we've all been waiting for.

Time for lunch break and everyone seemed to care less about lunch as the hallway was filled up with people and their 'activities'. The principal announced yesterday that to make Valentine's more interesting, we should wear pink or red outfits. All I see now is pink and red on everybody. The worst part is that the decorations were the same thing and they were all over the school. Red and pink heart shaped balloons, red paper fans hanging from the roof and Happy Valentine's posters. Are we in elementary school or what?

As for me, the Valentine thing on me was my cap because it was pink. As usual, I wore my black long sleeve shirt and blue jeans with my favourite green trainers.

Yeah I know I am a Sucker for Valentine's.

Girls screamed over the flowers or box of chocolate they received. Most guys on the other hand, cared less about Valentine's. They just stood with their usual group and had a little chat.

"Move out of the way!" I heard someone shout from the centre of the hallway as I was by my locker.

The crowd in the hallway moved to the side as the one and only Jenna and her crew walked in between the crowd. Jenna was in her sleeveless pink crop top and black mini leather skirt as well as her black high knee boots by Louis Vuittons.

Sometimes I still wonder why rich kids like Jenna and Hayley come to a public school like James Murphy.

On the other hand, Dawn and Lola wore similar yet a different pink sleeveless mini dress. The main difference was that Dawn wore a simple choker and Lola wore this expensive looking diamond choker. Well I am very impressed to see such a waste of a beautiful necklace being worn for just 'school' and not a proper event.

"Hey everyone!" Jenna started which made everyone to pause whatever they were doing. "As you all know. I am having a party tonight at the Grand hotel, which is my dad's hotel." She chuckled while I just rolled my eyes and stared at her. "I have change of plans and it is restricted to couples only. If you're coming alone or with a group of friends, I'm sorry it's not for you."

"Why is she so petty about it?" Grace said behind me.

"Not like I care about the party." I replied.

People started making distinct conversations while Jenna paused.

"And..!" She shouted again causing silence. "No sluts allowed."

Her attention was looking right down the hallway infront of her. My head turned to her direction and I saw Hayley by her locker glaring daggers at her.

She didn't have to be specific.

"I'm done." She said before snapping her body around and walking out of the hallway to the cafeteria.

"That was quite harsh." Grace said.

"Yeah I know." I looked at her. "Not like Hayley cares about the whole Valentine's thing."

"Probably." She shrugged. "Speaking of valentines, what are you doing after school?"

That question made me blush remembering that Adam was my valentine and we were probably going to do something after school. I looked at Grace and just grinned from ear to ear.

"Adam right?" She grinned too.

I bit my lips and nodded my head.

"I'm so happy for you two!" She jumped and put her arms around me.

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