Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay in updating this chapter and the previous one. I was about to give up on the book but thanks to my friend mareeon_XX who still supported me despite the fact that I felt like this book wasn't going anywhere.

This chapter may not be all that entertaining because i tried to rush everything here so that I can get to the main point of the book and stop wasting time.

Please remember to vote! Like! And comment!

Chapter 14

After literature class the following Monday, I jumped from my sit and rushed to the front door of the class to wait for Grace before she leaves the class before me.

The moment Grace was about to walk pass the front door, I put my hands infront of her.

"We need to talk." I said.

Grace just looks at me speechless, trying to study my face to see if it's a good or bad one.

"Sure. What's wrong?" She asked.

I take her away from the front of the class to go to her locker side. Then I frown at her the moment we stopped and she still had this confused look on her face.

"What?" She frowns.

"You never told me anything about you and James."

Her mouth gaped open and closed. She look surprised at my statement.

"Who told you?"

"That's not the problem," I said. "The problem here is why didn't you ever tell me that you and James had something! I thought we were bestfriends!"

She close her eyes and sighs. "Look I had my reasons for not telling you. I never even told anyone about it."

"And what is that reason?" I fold my arms.

"Are you sure this is the right time to talk about it?" She looks at me.

"Yes! Come on what's the big deal about it? Or you don't want us to judge you because you're a Christian?"

"No!" She shrieks. "I just... I really don't know why I didn't want anyone to find out."

"Or you didn't want us to know because he is James?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No!" She looks horrified at me. "He just didn't want me to tell anyone about it."

"Then how did Jenna and Dawn and Lola know about it?"

"Remember he was Lola's ex."


"And Lola was still head over hills for him after they broke up and she always knew his whereabouts no matter what."

"Ohh." Was all I could say. I just lean by the locker and stare at her, waiting for her to say more.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. The time I felt like I should tell you, it was already over between us."

"Wait you guys are over now?"

"Yes. Why would we still be dating when he's all the way in college in Atlanta."

"Why did you date him if you knew he was leaving for college?"

"We didn't date exactly.. It was just a thing."

I look at her with my arms still crossed. "A thing? This is not you Grace."

"I know."

"I remember how you always tell me how you always want a proper boyfriend from church and all that bullshit and why on earth will you be having a thing with James? Of all boys?"

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