Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Basically, mum has been silent the whole time since I got to the kitchen. It was a bright Saturday morning and mum sent David to wake me up from my 'beautiful' sleep and told me to come over to the kitchen to have the 'talk.'

Yesterday I dodged my mum the whole time and pretended I wasn't home so that she would forget about what happened two nights ago and not bring it up anymore. Unfortunately, my luck passed away.

I have been in the kitchen for three minutes and all she does is eat her waffles on the table, read her newspaper and pretend like I was an invincible person in the kitchen.

"Mum?" I waved my hands to prove I wasn't invisible.

"Yes darling." She replied still reading her paper.

"You called me down to have our 'talk' and I've been standing here for like three minutes."

"About that," she dropped her paper and looked at me. "I noticed you were hiding yesterday."

"I was?" I asked trying to sound confident. Pretending like I don't know what she was talking about.

"You don't have to pretend honey. Take a sit."

I made my way to the sit opposite my mum and slowly sat down without diverting my gaze from her. She was starting to make me anxious before she could talk.

"I am-"

"Can I say something first please?" I cut my mum.

"Sure honey."

"I am really sorry about two nights ago and Adam has nothing to do with it. Everything was my idea and I understand if you want to punish me for it but please don't put any blame on Adam." I said and looked at her worriedly.

"Don't worry I am not going to punish you." She looked at me with less concern. "Neither am I going to blame Adam for anything."

"Thank God." I muttered.

"But I don't want him to ever come to this house again."

"Why?!" I shrieked.

"Can't you see his face? Doesn't he look quite old?"

"Old?" I looked at her for a moment then snorted. "Mum, Adam is just 16."

"And you believe that?" She folded her arms.

"Why shouldn't I?" I scoffed.

"I am serious Naomi. I don't want him here again. Only bad boys come over to a girl's house in the night, let alone in the middle of the night!"

"But he had his reasons mum. He was supposed to come way earlier."

"I have said my word Naomi. He's no good to you." She pointed at me. "Look at you. Who ever knew you would wear lingerie at the age of 16?"

"They were bra and panties."

"I am not stupid Naomi. I know a regular bra and underwear when I see one."

"Fine." I waved my hands. "But I wouldn't let that happen again I promise."

"Naomi." She sighed. "You have my word. You've been changing lately. You don't come home on time from school anymore. You go out for parties and worst of all, you didn't even come home after your curfew."

"That's only a one time thing!"

"I don't care. You used to be a really good girl. What happened to the old Naomi?"

"I'm growing up mum. That's what's happening."

"Not the right way." She said. "Like I said, don't let that boy come over again. Do you know what? I think you should stop hanging out with him."

"Mum what's gotten over you?! Why are you being strict!" I snapped.

"I am not being strict. I am not ready to see my only daughter turning into some girl that I can't even look at."

"I thought you supported me in everything? I thought we were a team? You're supposed to be happy that I'm finally stepping out of my shell."

"I am sweetie." She interjected.

"No mum! This is the first boyfriend I-"

"Boyfriend?" She looked at me surprised then she suddenly let out a chuckle. "Naomi don't be silly. That guy looks old for you."

"He's not old!"

"Well he looks dangerous. I just don't trust him sweetie and I think you should just stick to my words."

"Mum please don't make me hate you!" I squealed.

She shot a glare at me.

"Has it come to this point that Naomi has testified she's going to hate me because of a boy?" She asked while glaring at me.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean it but please mum just give Adam a try. He's a really good guy." I said calmly.

She sighed and turned her attention back to her unfinished waffles. She didn't bother answering me as she continue to eat her breakfast. I watched her in my worried state. I was not going to leave until she gives an answer to what I just said.

"Was he that the same guy that dumped you on your first date? The one you met online?" She finally spoke, although her attention was still on the food.

This is unbelievable. How did she remember?

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"His dangerous spirit tells me."

"Mum." I scowled back at her 'supposed to be' sarcastic statement. "I'm serious."

"I'm serious too honey. Did you know how much it cost for me to fix that mirror you broke in your bathroom that night?"

"It was just some stupid accident."

"Yeah really stupid." She said in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes and looked away.

None of us spoke again. She was still digging into her food and this time, she took her newspaper up to read.

"You're not going to say anything anymore?" I asked. I was starting to get annoyed with my mum's attitude.

"The ball is in your court Naomi." She said. "It's either you date him or leave him. I am done talking."

"You know my answer mum."

"Whatever you say." She shrugged as she was still looking at the paper on her hand. "If he hurts you again, don't come running to me."

"I promise you he will not hurt me anymore." I smirked.

"Goodluck in your relationship then." She rose her cup up in a sarcastic manner before taking a sip.

I looked at her astonished. Why was she acting strange today? This was not the woman that I've known all of my life. She promised to support me when I finally get a boyfriend and now she's acting all bitchy about it. She was really starting to get on my nerves.

"You know what mum?" I asked which caused her to glance at me. "You think you're smart but you're not. I know Adam more than you."

With that, I stood up and stomped out of the kitchen. Why do parents think they know best? Adam is not the boy my mum thinks he is? He is not dangerous and he is such a really great guy.

One thing my mum doesn't know is that I have fallen in love with Adam and there's no turning back. She can't stop me neither will anything stop me from leaving the one I love the most.


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