Chapter 8: Fear and Paranoia

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Everyone stared at Test Tube's body in pure shock and terror. Her shattered glass body, blood, and green liquid covered in the snow made even the residents with the strongest of stomachs want to gag. It wasn't long before everyone started freaking out and panicking. "Someone is killing us one by one!" the Cherries shouted. "What are we going to do? We're all going to die!" Yin shouted. "What are we going to do with the body?" Yang asked curiously.

"What's going on out here?" said the familiar nerdy voice that belonged to Fan, who had stayed inside due to being made of paper but was now outside to inspect the ruckus. Everyone went silent and looked towards Fan. Fan looked at them all confused until he saw her body.

Fan's blood immediately ran cold at the sight of Test Tube's shattered body, his breathing quickened as tears were in the corner of his eyes. Before his knees stopped supporting him like a fan base to a creator whose discord messages got leaked, Soap swiftly went to his side to hold him. Fan cried into Soap's chest, not only just from sadness but from fear.

Everyone except for Fan was dead silent, not even Cheesy dared make a pun. Everyone was deep in thought, wondering who was behind this... well... except for Paper, of course. Not only was Test Tube found, but Paper had hurt someone else again. Although it wasn't an instant kill like the other 2, it still hurt all the more.

Paper wished OJ was here. He wanted so desperately to cry into OJ's chest like how Fan was doing with Soap. He wanted to vent to him about everything that happened and wanted OJ to gently comfort him as he did.

Paper had to be extra careful now since Evil Paper was getting more brave with his attacks. Paper decided to speak up, "Everyone, let's get inside. I recommend everyone stays in their rooms to keep yourselves safe. If anyone with a roommate would like to move to an empty room temporarily, I will allow it. MePhone4 will do his monthly visit sometime soon so that he can recover our friends."

After Paper was done speaking, Knife stepped forward. "Can't we call the police? They'd be able to put whoever is behind this in jail, right?" Paper suddenly got nervous but tried his darn best to hide it as he replied, "I... want to wait until OJ returns from his trip until we get legal action involved."

Everyone started to chat quietly amongst themselves as they left to go inside, Soap helping Fan because of his noodle legs. Paper sighed a sigh of relief until he noticed one person who didn't leave. Suitcase stared at Test Tube's unmoving body with eyes widened in terror and anxiety. Paper went up to her, crouching to her level. "Hey, are you alright, Suitcase? You heard me tell everyone to stay in their rooms, right?" Suitcase jumped from the sudden voice, then nodded her head. "Uhm yeah... I did. I'm just... really deep in thought. I'm just so paranoid, and I have no idea who to trust except for you."

Paper cringed a bit at what she said, not that he thought that her trusting him was weird or anything, just that he knew Evil Paper could try to take advantage of her trust. "Why don't we head back inside? I'm sure a weighted blanket and hot chocolate would calm your anxieties down. That stuff always helps me when im paranoid." Suitcase nodded before going up to Paper and snuggling her face against his chest since she had no arms to hug with. Paper was hesitant at first but hugged her close.

After a bit, Suitcase and Paper walked back into the hotel together to join the others. Although Paper was happy to help Suitcase during this extremely difficult time, he couldn't help but feel anxious that her being vulnerable around him could lead to her dying a horrible death.


Trophy ran and ran, not looking back. After he had felt he was far away enough, he repeatedly punched a tree over and over until his knuckles bled. He took a slow, shakey breath as his punches came to a slow stop. 'Why have I been so vulnerable lately?' Trophy asked himself in his head. It's not like he hadn't caused hurt before without regret. He blackmailed Knife in season 1 and hurt Paper only just a few days ago, so why does he feel regret for hurting someone now?

Trophy sat down against the tree he had punched, trying his hardest to hold back tears. He can't cry. He's a man. Men don't cry... at least according to his father. He sighed before looking over at a nearby tree stump where he found a light blue journal lying on the ground poking out of the snow. Out of pure curiosity, he picked it up and brushed the snow off, looking at the cover that read, "Mic's Diary."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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