Part 27

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I smile, to let everyone know I'm alright, even as my heart shatters and cracks into a thousand pieces. I wait for someone, anyone, to come and save me, only to realize it is futile. I scream, and cry, and wail so terribly I wonder how it is possible for anyone to not have heard my screams of terror and agony as I shred myself apart, or how I drown in my own tears, the room I lock myself in stifling and trapping me rather than becoming my haven.

Then one day I realize that I am alone, and that no one will come. I do not have the luxury of a knight in shining armour, or the love of my life, appearing out of thin air to save me, and vanish me away to a land of peace and tranquility. My heart does not know those words, and they sound foreign, odd, even in my mind.

I am alone, and will die so.

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